What is the goal of wound debridement?
To obtain fresh wound margins and wound bed for primary or delayed closure.
What type of tumors do you want to have a greater margin distance for and what are 3 examples?
-greater for aggressive, infiltrative tumors
-melanomas, mast cell, SCC, soft tissue sarcoma, feline mammary adenocarcinoma, hemangiopericytoma, infiltrating lipomas
What location of a wound would generally be a compressive hemorrhage?
Cant fix hemorrhage of the vena cava from out side the body!!
At what psi should you get a new oxygen tank?
What are the basic components of a needle?
needle point, needle body, swaged end
A patient presented with a day old dog bite wound that looks dirty and gross. You decide to do surgical debridement to start. What is it important that you do first when starting the debridement?
During the removal of aggressive tumors, it is recommended to excise at least one fascial layer below the detectable tumor margins. What tissue can you leave in the body while excising an aggressive tumor?
What are the top 3 killers of anesthesia machine?
What animals should use a non re breathing system?
What is the most common non-synthetic absorbable suture material that elicits a notable inflammatory response?
Catgut (surgical gut)
At what time period of wound healing would you use honey?
What is preferred over skin stretching techniques to recruit skin and what are they?
What could happen if you don't do a pressure check before you start anesthesia and there is a leak in your machine?
-pollution to environment and personnel
-patient may wake up because they are not getting enough inhalant or may become hypoxemic
What are the most common non re-breathing systems used in vet med. What should you never do when using a non-rebreathing system?
-mapleson D and mapleson F
-NEVER push the oxygen flush valve
What type of suture would you use to close the rectus fascia?
-standard absorbable monofilament with good knot security
-polydioxanone or polyglyconate (absorbable)
What is the goal of each of these tissues during surgical debridement: muscle, subcutaneous tissue, contaminated fat, and cutaneous vessels?
What are the requirements for casting that you should take a radiograph after casting to confirm?
What are the most common sources of SSIs?
Calculate the oxygen flow rate for a 10 kg dog immediately after induction of anesthesia, and after 15 minutes of anesthesia. What size reservoir bag would you use?
What are the inverting patterns used to close hollow organs and what differentiates them?
Connel and Cushing
Connel- enters the lumen
Cushing- extends only to submucosal layer
An infected wound was cultured and came back to be contaminated with several gram negative bacteria types such as Psedomonas and Proteus spp, what antimicrobial would you use to treat it?
What are the different types of the primary bandage layer and what are their purposes/when would you use them?
What happens if you do not change out your soda lime when it is exhausted?
CO2 will accumulate in the circuit--> rebreathing of CO2--> respiratory acidosis
It is stated that active scavenging is the preferred method. Why are some reasons you would/would not want to use charcoal absorption?
-it absorbs halogenated anesthetic gases (ex. iso, sevo, des) but noes NOT absorb CO2 or N2O
-it is mobile, low cost, and easy to set up BUT
-it must be replaced after gaining 50 grams in weight (8-12 hours); can only use with lower oxygen flow rates; adds resistance; and has an environmental impact
What suture would you choose off the shelf to close skin, fascia, and delicate tissues in LA? (common name and brand name)
Skin: non absorbable--> polypropylene (prolene) or nylon
Fascia: Polyglactin 910 (vicryl), Polydioxanone (PDS), Catgut in cattle
Delicate tissue: PDS, vicryl, monocryl (poliglecaprone)