On an EKG, electrode placement shows ____ views of the heart
What is Four?
Measurable, regularly recurring impulse of the heart
What is Heart Rhythm?
Uses the ECG machine and a treadmill or stationary exercise bike
What is a Stress Test?
An uncommon waveform that represents the repolarization of the Purkinje Fibers
What is the U wave?
The structural appearance of a wave or waveform
What is Morphology?
V1 and V2 are respectively placed on the right and left sides of the sternum and provide this view of the heart wall
What is Septal Wall View?
This rhythm type can be easily missed and may be a normal variant for some people
What is Occasionally Irregular Rhythm?
This can lead to misdiagnosis and can mimic an infraction or other serious heart condition
What are Lead Reversal Errors?
An important waveform that represents the entire ventricular depolarization and repolarization cycle
What is the QT Interval?
An amount of electrical stimulus or the difference in action potential created by cardiac cell movement within the heart
What is Voltage?
Along the exterior of the left ventricle, this is a view of
What is the Lateral Wall?
Type of impulse that originates from the ventricles instead of the atria
What are Conduction Disturbances?
Outside interference, patient movement, technician error, and machine errors are all types of
What is an Artifact?
A significant reference point in determining if the ST or PR segments are elevated or depressed
What is the TP Segment?
The strength or magnitude of the action potential as shown on an EKG recording
What is Amplitude?
Extends across the anterior portions of both atria and ventricles providing a view of this wall
What is the Anterior Wall?
Atrial Tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation, and Wandering Atrial Pacemaker are the cause of atrial abnormalities and are classified as
What is Irregularly Irregular Rhythm?
Standard Limb Leads I, II, and III all have current that flows from the negative pole to the positive pole thereby making them
What are Bipolar Leads?
The analysis of this area is most important in determining the origin of rhythms
What is the QRS Complex?
Lead views that can be interchangeable, used especially when an acute injury is suspected
What is Reciprocal?
Along the exterior of the right ventricle, this is a view of
What is the Inferior Wall?
External and internal stimuli can be the cause of this rhythm
What is Regularly Irregular Rhythm?
All are unipolar and provide transverse plane views of the heart
What are the Precordial Leads?
As a part of ventricular depolarization, this waveform represents when an impulse has traveled from the SA node to the AV node and throughout the ventricular walls
What is the R Wave?
A graphical record that is made up of lines showing the direction of electrical forces
What is a Vector?