Said Texas was an opportunity for people to start over and that cotton was going to be lucrative. Go to Texas and get land real cheap... who is this?
Who is Sam Huston
There are four parts of this: CA would be a free state; Washington D.C as well; no restrictions on slavery; and fugitive slave law. What was this known as?
What is the Compromise of 1850.
Poll taxes were added, as well as, literacy test, and the Grandfather Clause... these all denied what?
What is the 15th amendment (how blacks voting rights were denied.)
After this battle, it became the turning point for the Union Army, because the CSA was no longer a threat. What battle. This is also when the war becomes about slavery.
What is the Battle of Gettysburg.
End slavery on a Federal level. Wanted to be forgiving and not to be too harsh or have punitive measures towards the South. Wanted to compensate white southren slave owners with money for their lose of land and slaves. Supported colonization. This are part of Lincoln's ______?
What is Lincoln's Reconstruction Plans.
'Wokers' were contracted for 99 years... a life sentence. They also had no part of the signing the contract.... What is this known as?
How Texas evaded Mexican Law pertaining to slavery.
Both of these states decide to become slaver states; the election was a fraud.
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
What was the first state to secede, or break from the Union?
What is South Carolina.
Destroy everything, causing the most amount of havoc possible and making the South feel responsible for starting the Civil War. This was known as? And under what general? Caused a lot of resentment from the South....
What is Willam Sherman's "Total War"
40 arces and a mule for former black slaves. Both slavery is written in Federal and State legislature. Wanted the South to know and fell punishment for starting the Civil War. Want blacks to have full rights; citizenship and voting. This is part of whos plans for Reconstruction?
Who are the Radical Republican's and their Reconstruction Plan.
This would of banned slavery in all former Mexican territories -- it failed. What is it?
Who is/ what is the Wilmot Proviso
This state that living in a free state doesn't make you free. Africans' are not American and therefor have no rights; they cannot file lawsuits; and they are property of the government. This person filed the lawsuit?
What is the Dred Scott decision.
West Virgina; Delaware; Missouri; Maryland; (one more) were slave states that did not what?
What is secede from the Union.
They were never allowed to be officers; and they were often given inferior or old weapons, also sent on 'suicide missions' in which there was very little chance for success. These are conditions of....
What are conditions of the Black Soldier. Know two of these.
Used Revelations and other biblical imagry. Compaired themselves to the Hebrews of the Old Testament and their captivity... and their oppressor was the Federal governement; their savior will be the KKK.... these are aspects of what?
What is the South and their perspectives on Reconstruction.
They fought turning in escaped slaves. A bounty hunter was shot and killed. What city/state did this occur in, and what was the name of the leader/mayor of the city?
What is Christiana PA/ William Parker
We are either all for slavery, the North and South, or we are all free states. What was this speech known as, and who was the president to give it?
What is Lincoln's House Divided Speech.
This changed the Civil War to a war about the institution of slavery; also used as a way for blacks to enlist in the Union Army. What is this known as?
What is Emancipation Proclamation.
Over 300 blacks surrendered in this fort, and in turn by the CSA they were executed and placed in a mass grave. They were also buried with their white commanding officers for even further insult.... What fort is this?
What is Ft.Pillow.
(Worth three x's the points have to get all three) This amendment ended slavery; citizenship and due process of law; voting rights (Negro suffrage) Name the amendments....
What is the 13th amendment, 14th, and 15th.
After this, they were never seen as fully American and to be always seen as Mexicans. They lost their land, and most of 'these' went back to Mexico.
Fate of Tejanos after Texas independence.
This was used as to start a war to end slavery. They attacked a Federal arsenal. The man behind it was very religious and believed that slavery was mortally wrong, and that slavery was evil. He was caught and hanged. What was this known as, and who was the person who started it.
What is Harper's Ferry VA/ John Brown.
Lincoln puts a draft during the mid-point of the Civil War in 1863... whites felt they should not have to fight for slavery and possbily die.... what did this cause?
What is the Draft Riot of NYC 1863.
Remembrance of the lost conferderate soldiers. And if they could of held on a little longer the would of won the war. These are believes of the defeated CSA and what was it known as?
What is the Lost Cause
This president took over after Lincoln and fired one of his cabinet memers... this was a violation of what? And lead to his....?
What is Office of Tenure Act and Impeachment.