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A program called Team STEPPS is being implemented hospital-wide for all staff

members. Which of the following descriptions would the nurse manager include in

the conversation when discussing the program with her team?

a. Team STEPPS helps nurses and ancillary staff improve health through a

group exercise program

b. Team STEPPS teaches evidence-based teamwork to improve

communication and raise quality and safety in the hospital

c. Team STEPPS educates staff on available programs to continue education

and obtain advanced degrees

d. There are multiple versions of the Team STEPPS program and the staff

members will attend the session that correlates with their job position

B. Team STEPPS teaches evidence-based teamwork to improve communication and

raise quality and safety in the hospital

Rationale: Team STEPPS stands for Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance

and Patient Safety. It is a standardized education program for all staff designed to improve

the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare.


Your patient’s lab results and you notice hypokalemia with a level of 2.5 mEq/L.

Which of the following are appropriate actions? Select all that apply

a. Apply a cardiac monitor to evaluate the patient’s heart rhythm

b. Prepare to administer 5mL of IV push potassium

c. Hold furosemide (Lasix) and call the provider

d. Preparing to hang a 1000mL bag of IV fluid with 20mEq of potassium added

a. Apply a cardiac monitor to evaluate the patient’s heart rhythm

c. Hold furosemide (Lasix) and call the provider

d. Preparing to hang a 1000mL bag of IV fluid with 20mEq of potassium added


A patient is scheduled for diagnostic testing with contrast. Which findings would

prevent the use of contrast material for this patient? Select all that apply.

a. GFR 25

b. BUN 40 mg/dL

c. Fasting blood sugar 140 mg/dL

d. Creatinine 3.5 mg/dL

a. GFR 25

b. BUN 40 mg/dL

d. Creatinine 3.5 mg/dL


Which of the following are ways to prevent phlebotomy complications? Select all

that apply.

a. Hold pressure over the puncture site for at least 2 minutes if the patient is

on anticoagulants

b. Remove the tourniquet before removing the needle from the vein

c. Cleanse the site using circular motion

d. Apply a heating pad if a hematoma forms

b. Remove the tourniquet before removing the needle from the vein

c. Cleanse the site using circular motion


While reviewing laboratory values, a student notes a patient’s digoxin level is 2.5

ng/mL. Which of the following actions should the nurse take regarding the

patient’s scheduled dose of digoxin?

a. Administer the patient’s scheduled dose of digoxin because this level is

within normal limits

b. Hold the patient’s digoxin and notify the provider immediately

c. Call the pharmacy

d. Check the patient’s apical pulse before administration

B. Hold the patient’s digoxin and notify the provider


You're educating a group of nursing students about the different stages of a

pressure injury. Which statement is correct about a stage 3 pressure injury?

a. There is full loss of skin tissue that can extend to the muscle, bone, or


b. A hallmark of a stage 3 pressure injury is that the skin will be intact but not


c. The skin will not be intact and there will be full loss of skin tissue that can

extend to the subcutaneous tissue.

d. The wound edges will never roll away like a stage 2 pressure injury.

c. The skin will not be intact and there will be full loss of skin tissue that can extend to the subcutaneous tissue.


Student nurses are reviewing best practice methods to prevent the spread of

infection. Which action should provide the highest level of protection based on

evidence-based practice?

a. Proper disposal of used gowns

b. Hand hygiene

c. Use of sterile technique

d. Private room assignment

B. Hand hygiene


A nurse is providing care to a patient in the hospital. Which of the following

requires the use of sterile technique? Select all that apply.

a. Inserting a urinary catheter

b. Emptying urinary catheter

c. Suctioning a tracheostomy

d. Removing a urinary catheter

a. Inserting a urinary catheter

c. Suctioning a tracheostomy


A nurse is hosting an informational session for patients about essential nutrients.

Which of the following is most important to teach the group?

a. Vitamins and minerals are macronutrients

b. Micronutrients include protein and carbohydrates

c. Nutrients are important, but too much of certain nutrients is problematic

d. Proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids are known as complete


c. Nutrients are important, but too much of certain nutrients is problematic


A new graduate nurse attending a course on venipuncture. Which statements

would require further teaching?

a. “I will not use alcohol to cleanse the site when drawing a blood alcohol


b. “I will keep the needle sterile at all times”

c. “I will clean the site in a vertical motion until 2 to 3 inches have been


d. “I will allow the site to dry before inserting the needle”

C. “I will clean the site in a vertical motion until 2 to 3 inches have been cleansed”


A patient just had a nasogastric tube placed and transport has arrived to take the

patient to x-ray. The patient questions why she needs another x-ray and reports

just having one done yesterday when she arrived in the emergency room. What is

the best response by the nurse?

a. “I will call x-ray and cancel the test because it must have been ordered by


b. “You will receive an x-ray every day while in the hospital”

c. “The x-ray is used to evaluate the output of your nasogastric tube”

d. “The x-ray will confirm the placement of the nasogastric tube that was just


D. “The x-ray will confirm the placement of the nasogastric tube that was just inserted”


A patient is being transported from the hospital to your skilled nursing facility. Your

manager reminds you to complete which mandatory assessment form within 4

days of the patient's admission to the facility?

a. Care Plan

b. Focused assessment

c. Minimum Data Set

d. Discharge education

c. Minimum Data Set


A patient has developed a bacterial bloodstream infection (Staphylococcus aureus)

after having a central line. Which prescription should the nurse anticipate to


a. Antiparasitic

b. Antibiotic

c. Antiviral

d. Antifungal

b. Antibiotic


The nurse understands that the most vivid dreaming occurs during:

a. REM sleep

b. Stage 1 NREM

c. Stage 4 NREM

d. Transition period from NREM to REM sleep

a. REM


You receive a patient from the emergency room who is admitted for an acute

asthma exacerbation. The patient reports feeling like she is making musical

whistling noises when breathing. What adventitious breath sounds would you

expect to hear on auscultation?

a. Crackles

b. Stridor

c. Wheezing

d. Absent breath sounds

c. Wheezing


A nurse taught her patient how to prevent blood clots while in the hospital. Which

of the following actions indicates patient understanding? Select all that apply.

a. Not crossing legs while sitting in the chair

b. Limiting movement of extremities

c. Performing active range-of-motion exercises

d. Wearing sequential compression devices

a. Not crossing legs while sitting in the chair

c. Performing active range-of-motion exercises

d. Wearing sequential compression devices


A patient with chronic back pain reports that pretending to be lying in a field full of

beautiful flowers with birds chirping and the sun shining helps relieve some of her

pain. Which nonpharmacological method is this patient using to control pain?

a. Distraction

b. Guided imagery

c. Progressive relaxation

d. Therapeutic suggestion

B. Guided imagery


A nurse observes the following speech pattern in a patient: frequent repetition of

one or two words combined with meaningless sounds. Which speech deficit would

the nurse suspect?

a. Receptive aphasia

b. Broca aphasia

c. Expressive aphasia

d. Global aphasia

d. Global aphasia


A patient arrives at the emergency department after a motor vehicle accident. She

has a laceration and has lost a large volume of blood. What should the nurse

expect when assessing this patient’s pulse?

a. Weak and thready

b. Full and bounding

c. Regular

d. Full and thready

a. Weak and thready


Heat and cold therapy have different indications and cause the body to have

different physiological effects. Which of the following are the effects of cold

therapy? Select all that apply.

a. Vasodilation

b. Hemostasis

c. Decrease capillary permeability and decrease cellular metabolism

d. Slows bacterial growth

e. Prevention of edema

f. Increases inflammatory response

b. Hemostasis

c. Decrease capillary permeability and decrease cellular metabolism

d. Slows bacterial growth

e. Prevention of edema

f. Increases inflammatory response


The purpose of heat therapy is to cause vasodilation. As a nurse, you know the

following situations are inappropriate for heat therapy. Select all that apply.

a. Reduction of stabilized edema

b. Hemostasis

c. Pain relief

d. Relaxation of muscle spasms

e. Prevention of edema

f. Hypothermia

b. Hemostasis

e. Prevention of edema


A nurse is assessing a patient for symptoms of stress. Which behaviors are

associated with increased stress? Select all that apply.

a. Yelling at family members

b. Back pain

c. Inability to make decisions

d. Insomnia

e. Preferring to be alone

a. Yelling at family members

b. Back pain

c. Inability to make decisions

d. Insomnia

e. Preferring to be alone


Fontanels are the spaces between the bones of the skull that are not yet fused.

What other statements are true about fontanels? Select all that apply

a. The posterior fontanel closes between the ages of 4 and 8 months

b. The anterior fontanel closes first

c. A bulging fontanel is a sign of fluid excess

d. A sunken fontanel is a sign of fluid loss

a. The posterior fontanel closes between the ages of 4 and 8 months

c. A bulging fontanel is a sign of fluid excess

d. A sunken fontanel is a sign of fluid loss


You are the nurse caring for a patient with a necrotic pressure ulcer on his heel.

Which of the following baths would you expect?

a. Shower

b. Therapeutic bath

c. Bed bath

d. Tub bath

b. Therapeutic bath


A nurse is caring for a postoperative patient who just had a total left hip

arthroplasty. When completing a neurovascular assessment, she is unable to

palpate a dorsalis pedis pulse on the left foot. What is the next priority action?

a. Continue palpating for another two minutes

b. Obtain a doppler

c. Call a rapid response

d. Check a capillary refill

b. Obtain a doppler