Human Growth & Development
Concepts of abuse and neglect
Diversity, Social/Economic Justice and Oppression

Which of the following is TRUE about sexual development of individuals?

A. Children are not sexual before birth.

B. Humans are sexual beings throughout life.

C. Same-gender sexual behavior during childhood is directly related to sexual orientation later in life.

D. Adults lose their desire for sexual expression later in life.

Correct Answer: B

Humans are sexual throughout the life course. Children are sexual even before birth, with males sometimes having erections in the uterus. Same-gender sexual behavior during childhood can occur as boys and girls tend to play with friends of the same gender. It is not related to sexual orientation or to whom individuals are attracted. It usually results out of exploration and access. Although there may be physiological changes that occur in older adults, they do not lose their desire to be sexual.


Which of the following is NOT one of social work’s core values as stated in the professional code of ethics?

A. Service

B. Integrity

C. Loyalty

D. Competence

Correct Answer: C

The core values include service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence.


Which of the following is TRUE about psychodynamic treatment modalities or approaches?

A. They are good for use in a managed care environment where change has to occur in a limited time period.

B. They are focused only on the information that a person is paying attention to at a given time.

C. They use dynamic intervention methods that are hands on, such as play therapy.

D. They emphasize unconscious motives and desires, as well as the importance of childhood experiences, in shaping personality.

Correct Answer: D

Psychodynamic theories explain the origin of the personality. Although many different psychodynamic theories exist, they all emphasize unconscious motives and desires, as well as the importance of childhood experiences in shaping personality.


At the beginning of the initial session, a client states, “I am so glad that I am here because I really need you to tell me how to solve my problems.” The social worker should:

A. Clarify the social worker’s role in the problem-solving process with the client

B. Not respond to the comment, but make a note to clearly delineate the social worker’s role in the treatment plan

C. Praise the client for her willingness to be open to feedback

D. Suggest to the client that her need to solve her own problems may be an area to explore further in therapy

Correct Answer: A

As part of engagement, the roles of the social worker and client in the problem-solving process should be discussed and clarified, if needed


Members of a community are concerned about rising crime rates, drug problems, and high unemployment in their neighborhood. When engaging in community organizing with this group, the social worker should FIRST:

A. Tell community members about strategies that have worked well to address these issues in other locations

B. Work with the citizens to prioritize their concerns

C. Contact local legislators to make them aware of the problems

D. Identify an individual who can lead the other community members in taking action

Correct Answer: B

Community organization aims to develop leadership so that communities can better address their problems. Using the problem-solving process, the social worker should FIRST help the members to figure out which problem they would like to address. The social worker may help the group with other actions, but they are later in the process. The social worker must also not “take charge” because community organizing is about empowering individuals within the community to decide on the problems and take actions to make changes.


Which of the following is an example of social stratification?

A. A child is not included in group activities in school because of his or her poor social skills.

B. Children who are violent need to be segregated from their peers.

C. A child with social deficits is assumed to be delayed in cognition without additional assessment.

D. Children from affluent households receive a better public education than those from low-income households.

Correct Answer: D

Stratification refers to structured inequality of entire categories of people in society who have unequal access to social rewards. Stratification applies to individuals based on ethnic and racial background, social status, and/or other factors.


A client has recently learned that her child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition that will substantially affect her abilities in the future. For an hour, she talks to the social worker in detail about the medical condition without showing any emotion. The defense mechanism that BEST describes the client’s response is:

A. Devaluation

B. Substitution

C. Intellectualization

D. Rationalization

Correct Answer: C

Intellectualization is when a person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. In this instance, the client is not dealing with the emotions associated with this recent diagnosis, but instead focused on the rational medical details of the condition.


Federal law requires health care facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to do all of the following with regard to advance directives EXCEPT:

A. Inform clients of their rights to have advance directives that will allow them to make decisions regarding their health care

B. Use a portion of their revenues to assist clients with the costs associated with creating advance directives

C. Ask clients if they have advance directives and document their responses

D. Provide education about advance directives

Correct Answer: B

The Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991 specifies facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid inform clients of their rights to make decisions concerning their own health care, ask and document whether clients have advance directives, and provide education for staff and the community.


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A client has been in therapy for about 4 months and has made substantial progress toward achieving his goals. The social worker and client believe that continued treatment would be beneficial. However, the client recently lost his job and has been informed that his insurance coverage, which has been paying for the services, will end immediately. The client states that he cannot afford to pay the rate paid by the insurance company. In order to facilitate continued progress, the social worker should:

A. Suggest that the client now only pay the amount of the copay and keep track of what would have been paid by an insurance company so a payment plan can be put in place once the client is employed again

B. Brainstorm with the client about services that the client can provide in exchange for treatment

C. Terminate therapy immediately, but with the understanding that it will begin immediately upon enrollment in a new insurance plan

D. Discuss a feasible amount to be paid by the client while he is uninsured

Correct Answer: D

A social worker can waive or reduce the fee, but cannot barter (B) or create a loan system with the client (A) because it is a conflict of interest. Both parties agree that continued treatment is needed, so C does not appear appropriate.


A client who has repeatedly stated that she hates her sister tells a social worker that she has just asked her sister to be the maid of honor in her wedding. The social worker points out that this action appears contradictory to her feelings about her sister. This statement by the social worker is known as a:

A. Clarification

B. Generalization

C. Paradoxical instruction

D. Confrontation

Correct Answer: D

Confrontation is calling attention to something.

Clarification is reformulating a problem in the client’s words to make sure there is a mutual understanding of the issue. Generalization or normalization of behavior is often used to show the client that what he or she is feeling or experiencing is typical and understandable. A paradoxical instruction is prescribing the opposite of what you want the client to do; it is commonly referred to as “reverse psychology.”


A teenager is having problems initiating conversation with peers. In order to BEST assist the teenager, the social worker should:

A. Ask the teenager to keep a journal documenting thoughts that can be used in later conversations with peers

B. Explore with the teenager the underlying reasons for his or her problems with peer relationships

C. Assess whether there are other social deficits that may result in appropriate diagnosis

D. Engage in a role play with the teenager so that he or she can practice needed communication skills

Correct Answer: D

Role playing is a very effective teaching strategy and provides active learning. None of the other answers that may be useful provides the teenager with an intervention (as the question is about the best way to assist) that allows him or her to practice communication skills that can be used with peers.


A client needs to access services from another organization. In order to BEST assist this client, a social worker should:

A. Let the client identify and contact agencies independently to avoid interfering with the client’s right to self-determination

B. Refer the client to an agency that the social worker has a relationship with to ensure an easy transition

C. Work with the client to evaluate options and select an agency that the client thinks will best meet his or her needs

D. Contact the client’s insurance company to see which agencies are participating providers

Correct Answer: C

Social workers want to respect a client’s right to self-determination and should not select an agency for the client. In addition, the social worker should assist the client to gather all needed information so that the client can make an informed decision. Working with insurance companies to ensure coverage is a part of the process, but the decision should primarily be based on the ability of the agency to meet the client’s needs.


A mother and teenage child yell at each other almost the entire time of a session. The mother says that she is upset with her daughter’s choice in boyfriend, her grades in school, her inappropriate dress, and her lack of help around the house. The daughter says that she is angry as her mother does not listen to her, does not respect her privacy, does not give her any “space,” and speaks to the daughter’s friends in a demeaning manner. In order to BEST assist with helping them resolve their conflicts, the social worker should:

A. Work with the mother and child to prioritize their concerns

B. Focus on both the mother’s and child’s strengths and skills

C. Suggest that the mother and child increase the amount of time that they spend with one another to facilitate the problem-solving process

D. Acknowledge the level of conflict and discord between the mother and child

Correct Answer: A

Given that there is conflict over a number of issues, the social worker should help structure the interactions between the mother and child. Essential is deciding which of the complaints is most salient for the mother and child. Increasing time with one another in the early stages of conflict resolution can exacerbate the situation because coping and communication skills have not improved yet. Acknowledging the conflict and using the strengths and skills of each party during conflict resolution may be useful, but will not assist in helping with resolution like prioritization, given the number of issues raised.


According to the Tarasoff decision, in order for a social worker to have a duty to warn, all of the following must be present EXCEPT:

A. The threat of danger

B. An identifiable third party

C. A client history of violence against others

D. Personal harm must be imminent

Correct Answer: C

Duty to warn has become an important mandate in social work. Generally, a social worker has to believe that a client is a danger to an identifiable third party and that the client is able to act on this danger in order for it to be considered necessary to warn and/or protect the intended victim. For example, if a client states that he or she is going to kill “women,” a social worker may consider this client a danger to others and take appropriate action. However, there is not an obligation to notify intended victim(s) because the threat is too broad and does not require notification to women in general. In addition, if a client who is incarcerated and not going to be released makes a threat against someone outside the prison to whom he or she does not have access, there is no imminent threat. A history of violence is not required for a social worker’s duty to warn obligation.


Which of the following is NOT included in the DSM-5?

A. World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0)

B. Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)

C. Cultural Formulation Interview Guide (CFI)

D. ICD-10 Codes

Correct Answer: B

Initially developed as the Health-Sickness Rating Scale, the GAF was introduced as Axis V of the DSM-III and DSM-IV. The GAF was used to assist in determining medical necessity and level of disability. The APA discontinued use of the GAF in the DSM-5, and now suggests the use of the WHODAS 2.0 as a measure of disability.