Concepts & Big Ideas
Terms & Studies
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Real-World Examples
90s Nostalgia

Play drives us to gain basic knowledge of our bodies and environment through m_______



Which age group has the highest rate of depression in Western countries?



According to Brown, how have rat studies indicated that play is a deep-seeded human instinct?

After removing rats' prefrontal cortex, researchers found that the rats still played identically to their unharmed peers.  This indicates that the play instinct is programmed deeper in the mammalian brain, much like our core survival instincts.

How have some public parks facilitated parent-child bonding through attunement?

By creating swing sets with seats for both parent and child that face one-another.


Finish the lyric:  Tell me why ____________

Ain't nothing but a heartache


In the U.S. the biggest indicator of a senior citizens wellbeing is whether they have this type of contact.

Intergenerational contact


What do babies learn by playing games like peek-a-boo and pushing objects off of a table to see what happens?

Object Permanence


Neoteny:  What does Brown mean when he claims that humans have a neotenous nature?

He means that our play instinct continues into adulthood.


Describe 2 tactics used by the CSULB Student Recreation & Wellness Center to improve students' lives through play.



According to the Guinness Book of Records, what is the Most Controversial Video Game Series in History, with over 4,000 published articles about it since the first volume came out in 1997?

Grand Theft Auto


The point of this class can be described in these 2 statements...

1) Play is an instinct that drives us to develop ourselves and connect to the world around us.  

2) The strength of this instinct makes play a great tool for making positive change in the world.


According to Brown, what is the first instance of play in a child's life?



Phineas Gage suffered a traumatic brain injury while working on a railroad.  What did this case teach scientists about the connection between the brain and personality?  Note:  Answer must include the part of the brain that was injured.

His pre-frontal cortex was damaged.  Although he miraculously survived, the change to his brain seemed to change his personality.


In our textbook chapter about the consequences of a play deprived life, we learned that people missing out on this specific type of play are likely to lack some social skills that come from complex social learning.  Hint:  ____ and ____

Rough & Tumble


Name either of the 2 presidents in office during the 1990s

George Bush or Bill Clinton

How would a Kindergarten teacher use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to choose a productive game to play with their class?

The teacher would consider the met and unmet needs of the students and choose a game that meets them where they are on the hierarchy.


Name one game or activity that fits into each of these stages of play:  Solitary, Parallel, Cooperative.



Surprise 90s nostalgia!  This movie features Kevin McCallister, a young boy who defends his suburban Chicago home from a home invasion by a pair of robbers after his family accidentally leaves him behind on their Christmas vacation 

Home Alone


Brown describes cases where nursing home staff improved the lives of patients by taking particular actions to spark their their play instinct.  Describe their approach.

They evoked feelings of nostalgia by reminding them of play fragments from their past.


This famous 90s TV Show centered Cory Mathews as he went through childhood with his best friends Shawn and Topanga.

Boy Meets World


Recite 1 of our Big Ideas from memory (there have been 3 during this unit)

1:  Babies develop key skills through play in stages, starting with solitary play and getting progressively more social as they age.

2: Although our need to play decreases as we age, it is vital to our physical and mental health that play remains a part of our lives.

3: The U.S. mental health crisis is strongest among seniors, and we have great research on their play styles that have the potential to make an impact. 


What term does Brown use for the concept that a physically active toddler is likely to become a physically active adult?

Play Preferences


When looking for a baby's play preferences, Brown points out that spontaneous ____ is the biggest signifier of which preferences will last into adolescence.



Observing this difference between humans and chimpanzees helps us understand why humans are exceptionally creative and adaptable.

Humans have a much longer playful childhood period, which makes us more creative and adaptable compared to chimps.


During the 1990s, one of the world’s biggest musicians was called “The Artist Formerly Known as ______.”  
