Functional Anatomy
Motor Learning & Coaching
Exercise Physiology
Sport Psychology

Identify 3 movements that occur in the 'up' phase of a push-up and what joints they happen at.

Elbow- Extension

Shoulder- Flexion

Wrist- Extension


What is displacement and give an example?

Is a measure of motion as the crow flies. It is found by measuring the length of a straight line joining a body's initial and final positions and noting the direction this line takes. Take the example of the marathon runner again - if she runs a circular course begins and finishes at the same location, as was the case in the 2006 Commonwealth Games) then her displacement after running the 42.2 km course would be zero (she finishes at the same point at which she started).


Name the five classifications of motor skils

Muscle involvement



Environmental impact



During digestion, the carbohydrates breaks down into?



What is arousal?

Arousal is the amount of readiness a person experiences when faced with a task


What are 3 characteristics of type 2 muscle fibres that will assist a sprinter?

Rapid Contraction

High Force Production

CP & Glycogen as main fuel source


Name and define the different types of trajectories.

High trajectory, parabola trajectory and flat trajectory. High trajectory: provides a longer flight time. May be used by the gymnast to maximise the time available in the air to complete a movement or by the tennis player using a defensive lob to gain time to re-establish their court position. Parabola trajectory: maximises the horizontal distance that a projectile will travel. May be used by the shot putter or discus thrower to achieve the greatest distance for each throw.45°45°Flat trajectory: provides the shortest flight time. May be used by a fielder in softball to throw to first base in the fastest time possible to beat a runner.


Name and explain the three phases of the Fitts and Posner model

Cognitive Stage- Visulising the whole skill and determining what must be done

Associative- Practice stage with an understanding of the task and having the basic fundamentals

Autonomous- A skill can be performed without conscious thought


At what duration does the aerobic energy system become dominant?

+ 2 minutes


What is concentration?

Concentration is the ability to focus on the task at hand/relevant cues while ignoring irrelevant cues


What are antagonist pairs? Give an example of one

Bicep & Tricep


Describe all the parts of linear motion (distance, speed, velocity, acceleration.)

The term distance refers to the path of a body as it moves from one location to another.

Speed is the rate at which a body moves from one location to another. Velocity is speed in each direction and is calculated by dividing displacement by the time taken. Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of a body changes with respect to tome.


Explain what a cue is and name the three types.

A stimulus perception, signal/hint on how to respond in a particular circulstance.

Visual, Verbal, Proprioceptive.


Doing 6 reps of bicep curls at 90% of your 1 rep max would improve which component of fitness?

Muscluar strength

Describe the three characteristics of concentration

Selective: Focusing on certain cues while ignoring others

Shiftable: can moves from broad focus to narrow focus

Divisible: able to focus on more than one task simultaneously


Identify and describe the 4 characteristics of skeletal muscles

Excitability- the ability to respond to stimuli

Contractibility- the ability for muscle to shorten

Extendibilty- the capability for a muscle to shorten

Elasticity- the ability of a muscle to relax back to its natural state


Define the velocity of release.

Velocity of release goes into vertical velocity and horizontal velocity. Vertical velocity determines the height of the apex of the trajectory. Horizontal velocity is the horizontal component of the velocity oat release is constant throughout the flight of the projectile.


State the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic feedback.

Intrinsic- Kinesthetically felt by the perfromer

Extrinsic- Cues from outside the body eg. coaches


What component of fitness is improved through pyometirics training?



Is it better to have low or high arousal when putting in golf?



Name 2 structures of the circulatory system and describe their function

Heart- Pumping blood to all tissues in the body

Arteries- Distribute oxygen-rich blood to the body

Veins- Collect oxygen poor blood and return to the heart

Capililaries- Take waste products away from the tissues

Blood- Transport O2 and nutrients to the tissues


Describe the impacts of different angles of release.

At 45 degrees will result in the greatest possible distance and object will travel. Angles greater than 45 degrees will result in a longer flight time but shorter distance travelled. A lower angle than 45 degrees will result in a shorter travel time and shorter distance.


Tayla is being taught the skill of throwing a discus. At the completion of the throw her teacher says,

“Extend your legs and keep your body more upright as you release the discus.”

The teacher has provided Tayla with verbal cues to assist in improving her performance. Name the twoother types of cues that could be used by the teacher to improve Tayla’s performance and give one specific example for each.

Visual cues

Example (must relate to discus):The teacher could demonstrate or show Tayla how to throw the discuss modelling the correct technique.

Propriceptive cues

Example (must relate to discus): The teacher could adjust Tayla’s stance to allow her to feel the correct body position


Describe one of the training principle.

Specificity- Different forms of exercise produce different effects

Progressive overload- Body systems must be continually loaded with higher levels of work.

Reversibility- Training effects are reversible.

Intensity- How 'hard you work'

Duration- Length of the training session

Frequency- Number of training sessions per week


What are the four ways we can direct our attention following Nieffer Model? Give an example for each quadrant

External, Internal, Broad and Narrow