Reported Speech

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Thousands of years ago,¨ said Zimov,¨this area was covered in grasslands. My project will help restore the balance of nature.¨

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Statement

- Zimov said that thousands of years previously, that area had been covered in grasslands. He said his project would help restore the balance of nature. 


What tense are these sentences?

a. Candace has been travelling for years. 

b. Mark had been teaching English in Bangkok when he decided to blog full time.

a. Present perfect continuous

b. Past perfect continuous 

Tom says, "I like sports."
Tom says that he likes sports.

Lisa said, "I hate tests."

Lisa said that she hated tests.

Anne said, "I like books."
Anne said that she liked books.

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Why is the permafrost melting?¨ asked the scientist. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Question

- The scientist asked why the permafrost was melting. 


b. I wish they would reduce the price of genetic testing.

c. If only I had listened to a doctor!

Which sentences above refer to a situation that the speaker...?

a. Regrets about the past

b. Hopes (but doubts) will happen in the future

I wish they would reduce the price of genetic testing. =  Hopes (but doubts) will happen in the future

If only I had listened to a doctor! = Regrets about the past

Jane said, "I´m wearing my mum´s dress."
Jane said (that) she was wearing her mum´s dress.

Henry said, "Thomas has brown hair."

Henry said that Thomas had brown hair.

Lucy said, "I need some sugar and flour."
Lucy said that she needed some sugar and flour.

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Please don´t use plastic bottles,¨ the environmentalist asked us. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Request

- The environmentalist asked us not to use plastic bottles. 

Lisa said, "My little brother is really annoying me now."
Lisa said that her little brother was really annoying her then.

Joe said to Jim, "I´ve been to the club twice this week."

Joe said to Jim that he had been to the club twice that week.

Martin said, "I went to self-defense training yesterday."
Martin said that he had gone to self-defense training the day before.

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Stop dumping rubbish on the beach!¨ ordered the mayor. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Order

- The mayor ordered people to stop dumping rubbish on the beach. 

Michael said, "Nobody has seen Emily today."
Michael said that nobody had seen Emily that day.
Johny said, "I was in a huge fight last week."
Johny said that he had been in a huge fight the week before.
She told me, "If I can, I will come and visit."
She told me (that) if she could, she would come and visit.

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Let´s organize a clean-up along the river¨, Greg suggested. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Suggestion 

- Greg suggested organizing a clean-up along the river.


Grey suggested that they organize a clean-up along the river.


Tina asked me, "Why are you so nervous?"

Tina asked me why I was so nervous.


Mom asked, "Where is your brother?"

Mom asked where my brother was.


Nina said, "I have never lied to Jim and I am not going to lie now."

Nina said she had never lied to Jim and that she wasn´t going to lie then.