Reported Speech
Past/Present perfect continuous; Modal perfects
The Passive
The Causative
Relative Clauses

1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Thousands of years ago,¨ said Zimov,¨this area was covered in grasslands. My project will help restore the balance of nature.¨

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Statement

- Zimov said that thousands of years previously, that area had been covered in grasslands. He said his project would help restore the balance of nature. 


What tense are these sentences?

a. Candace has been travelling for years. 

b. Mark had been teaching English in Bangkok when he decided to blog full time.

a. Present perfect continuous

b. Past perfect continuous 


Say the two passive forms of the sentence below.

They paid the cast a lot of money during filming.  

The cast was/were paid a lot of money during filming. 

A lot of money was paid to the cast during filming.


Write a second sentence with the words given. Use the causative. 

We need to advertise the sale.

an advert / put / in the local newspaper

We are getting/having an advert put in the local newspaper.


Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes.

They started a company in Liverpool. The port there is good for overseas business.

They started a company in Liverpool, where the port is good for overseas business. 


1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Why is the permafrost melting?¨ asked the scientist. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Question

- The scientist asked why the permafrost was melting. 


b. I wish they would reduce the price of genetic testing.

c. If only I had listened to a doctor!

Which sentences above refer to a situation that the speaker...?

a. Regrets about the past

b. Hopes (but doubts) will happen in the future

I wish they would reduce the price of genetic testing. =  Hopes (but doubts) will happen in the future

If only I had listened to a doctor! = Regrets about the past


Say the two passive forms of the sentence below.

Everything thinks that Meryl Streep is a brilliant actress.

Meryl Streep is thought to be a brilliant actress.

It is thought that Meryl Steep is a brilliant actress.


Write a second sentence with the words given. Use the causative. 

Have oyu seen his suit?

design / Armani

He got/had it designed by Armani.


Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes.

Tom is a supervisor. He has worked in construction for 20 years.

Tom is a supervisor who/that has worked in construction for 20 years. 


1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Please don´t use plastic bottles,¨ the environmentalist asked us. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Request

- The environmentalist asked us not to use plastic bottles. 


a. They shouldn't have disconnected the alarm.

b. Jake must have worried during his trial.

Which modal verbs are used to express the following?

1. certainty that something was true

2. desire to do something which in fact could not be done

3. criticism or regret after the event 

shouldn't have (sentence A) -- criticism or regret after the event (3)

must have (sentence B) -- certainty that something was true (2)


Say the two passive forms of the sentence below.

When will they show the actor the new contract?

When will the actor be shown the new contract?

When will the new contract be shown to the actor?


Write a second sentence with the words given. Use the causative. 

The actress demands fresh flowers.

deliver / every morning 

She gets/has them delivered every morning. 


Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes.

Here are two examples of inventions. People use them every day. 

Here are two examples of inventions which/that people use every day.


1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Stop dumping rubbish on the beach!¨ ordered the mayor. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Order

- The mayor ordered people to stop dumping rubbish on the beach. 


a. I would have called the police, but my phone was dead.

b. He could have accepted his sentence, but he decided to fight it. 

Which modal verbs are used to express the following?

1. desire to do something which in fact could not be done

2. possibility that something was true 

3. ability to do something which in the end was not done

would have (sentence A) -- desire to do something which in the end was not done (1)

could have (sentence B) -- ability to do something which in the end was not done (3)


Say the two passive forms of the sentence below.

They have sent the tickets to Natalie.

The tickets have been sent to Natalie.

Natalie has been sent the tickets.


Write a second sentence with the words given. Use the causative. 

During filming, he missed his dog.

bring / to the studio

He got/had it brought to the studio.


Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes.

Sam teaches people skills to students. Their plans are to work in the hospitality industry. 

Sam teaches people skills to students whose plans are to work in the hospitality industry. 


1. Is this a question, statement, request, suggestion, or order?

¨Let´s organize a clean-up along the river¨, Greg suggested. 

2. Say it in reported speech.

- Suggestion 

- Greg suggested organizing a clean-up along the river.


Grey suggested that they organize a clean-up along the river.


a. Prohibition may have been a mistake.

b. He couldn't have stolen the car -- he was abroad at the time.

Which modal verbs are used to express the following?

1. possibility that something was true

2. an unnecessary past action

3. certainty that something was impossible

may have (sentence A) -- possibility that something was true (1)

couldn't have (sentence B) -- certainty that something was impossible (3)


Say the THREE passive forms of the sentence below.

Many fans believe that Top Gun is Tom Cruise's best film.

It is believed (by many fans) that Top Gun is Tom Cruise's best film.

Top Gun is believed (by many fans) to be Tom Cruise's best film.

Tom Cruise's best film is believed (by many fans) to be Top Gun.


Write a second sentence with the words given. Use the causative. 

1. This is the new scenery for the play.

paint / some art students

2. The actor needs a new hairstyle.

his hair / cut / tomorrow

We got/had it painted by some art students. 

He is getting/having his hair cut tomorrow.


Combine the sentences using defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes.

1. Try volunteering on farms in New Zealand. You will have the time of your life.

2. We'll meet on the first Monday in July. The conference begins on that day.

1. Try volunteering on farms in New Zealand, where you will have the time of your life.

2. We'll meet on the first Monday in July, when the conference begins.