Modals Definition
Modals in a Sentence
Countable/Uncountable Nouns
Parts of a Letter
The Future

Which modal would you use to indicate an obligation or necessity?

Must or Have to


Complete the sentence with the correct modal:

You ________ eat so much chocolate. It's not healthy.

a) shouldn't

b) couldn't

c) don't have to

You shouldn't eat so much chocolate. It's not healthy.


Is the following noun countable or uncountable? If it's countable, determine the plural form.


Countable: Foxes


How are you supposed to begin any letter?

Begin with an appropriate greeting. For example: "Dear Ms. Bennett..."


Which of the following sentences is correct:

a) Why is she going to the mall when she has to study?

b) Why will she go to the mall when she has to study?

Why is she going to the mall when she has to study?


Which modals can you use when offering a possibility?


For example: We might go to the movies, but we're not sure.


Complete the sentence with the correct modal:

_________ you swim when you were ten years old?

a) can

b) could

c) can't

d) Couldn't

Could you swim when you were ten years old?


Is the following noun countable or uncountable? If it's countable, determine the plural form.



What part of the letter comes after the greeting?

Paragraph 1: The introduction 


Write the following affirmative present continuous sentences in the negative USING CONTRACTIONS.

a) They are running outside.

b) She is eating a banana for breakfast.

a) They aren't running outside.

b) She isn't eating a banana for breakfast.


Which modal should you use when giving someone advice?

Should or should not

For example: You have a terrible cold. You should see a doctor.


Complete the sentence with the correct modal:

John ______ play tennis really well. He's the champion.

John can play tennis really well. He's the champion.


Is the following noun countable or uncountable? If it's countable, determine the plural form.


Countable: women


What are you supposed to write in your introduction paragraph of a letter?

You are supposed to introduce yourself and state the purpose for writing the letter.


Which sentence is correct?

a) Will she be able to come here tonight?

b) Is she going to be able to come here tonight?

"Will she be able to come here tonight?" is correct because we use will to express or ask about an intention in the future


Which modal indicates a past ability and which one indicates a present ability?

Could indicates a past ability, and can indicates a present ability.


Fill in the blank with the correct modal:

I _____________ to visit my grandparents. I _________ spend more time with them. 

a) would like, should

b) must, should

c) should not, don't have to

I would like to visit my grandparents. I should spend more time with them. 


Are the following nouns countable or uncountable? If it's countable, determine the plural form.

1) Knife

2) Man

1) Countable: Knives

2) Countable: Men


What should you write in the conclusion of your letter?

You are supposed to tell the person that you are looking forward to their response.

*Bonus point: Summarize your main points.


Correct the following sentence and question in the Present Continuous (to be + verb ending in ing):

a) She is go to the movies tonight.

b) Is they eat lunch together?

a) She is going to the movies tonight.

b) Are they eating lunch together?


Which modals would you use to express or ask about a want or desire?

Would + like.

For example: I would like a glass of water please.


Identify ALL the modals in the following paragraph:

When you study, you should choose a quiet place. You could study at home or in the library. You might set a schedule, so you study at the same time every day. Forming a study group with other students may help you. You must learn effective study strategies if you want to succeed in college.

When you study, you should choose a quiet place. You could study at home or in the library. You might set a schedule, so you study at the same time every day. Forming a study group with other students may help you. You must learn effective study strategies if you want to succeed in college.

Fill in the blanks with the noun in the plural form:

Last Saturday, many __________ (thief) robbed a jewelry store. They stole ___________ (diamond) and ____________ (ruby), and precious ___________ (stone).

Last Saturday, many thieves robbed a jewelry store. They stole diamonds and rubies, and precious stones.


What are the last TWO parts you need to finish your letter?

The closing and the signature


Turn the affirmative sentences below into an interrogative sentence (a question):

a) Ms. Bennett is going on vacation after exams are done.

b) The students in 8F are awesome.

a) Is Ms. Bennett going on vacation after exams are done?

b) Are the students in 8F awesome?