What is "¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?" asking?
What is today's date?
The translation of : grupo de animales
Group of animals
What is "¿Que hora es?" asking?
What time is it?
What is "¿Que llevas hoy" asking?
What are you wearing today?
What is "Dia de los Muertos"? Explain what it is.
The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday that remembers and celebrates deceased relatives.
What is "¿Como estas hoy?" asking?
How are you today?
The translation of : Jimmy usa el telefono
Jimmy uses the telephone
¿Que hora es?
Son las once y media
Translate "Ronaldo lleva los pantalones y una camiseta y los zapatos."
What does "¿Que asco" mean?
How gross! That's nasty!
What is "¿Que tiempo hace hoy?" asking?
What's the weather like today?
Translation of : La clase de espanol es mi favorita
Spanish class is my favorite
The class of Spanish is my favorite
¿Que hora es?
Son las ocho y veinte y dos
What are the 3 different ways to say "hat" in Spanish?
gorro, gorra and sombrero
Correct this sentence:
Jimmy va a el restaurante para comer una hamburgesa.
Jimmy va al restaurante para comer una hamburgesa.
a + el= al
*vowels cannot touch
When Miss Fisher says "Sometense la campanada" what is she saying?
Submit the campanada.
Jimmy no recibe buenas notas porque no hace su tarea.
Jimmy doesn't get / receive good grades because he doesn't do his homework.
¿Que hora es?
Es la una menos quince
How would you say "Jimmy is wearing some blue socks?"
Jimmy lleva unos calcetines azules
What is " El Encierro de Toros"?
Give me:
The date
The location
The overall gist of the event
The "Running of the Bulls" takes place on July 7th in Pomplona, Spain. The event consists of people running with / away from bulls through the streets of the city.
What does "Campanada" mean?
Bell (ringer), chime
Los tigres viven en la jungla y comen las personas en las pueblas.
(The) Tigers live in the jungle and eat the people in the villages / towns.
¿Que hora es?
Son las cuatro menos dieciocho en la manana
3:42 am
What would you wear?
Es junio, hace mucho calor y voy al parque para tomar el sol.
pantalones cortos
gafas (del sol)
What is an INFINITIVE verb?
An infinitive verb is a verb that has not been conjugated to a pronoun yet. It means to do "something". Ending in -ar, -er, and -ir