College Prep

 Sylvan Insight Assessment

What is the assessment that is given to a new sylvan student so the center can determine the students skill gaps and put them on the correct tutoring path.


 ACT/SAT College Prep?

What is a program that Sylvan offers high school students that will be taking the ACT/SAT.


Do we ALWAYS tell RP about pricing?

What is yes!


Should we avoid objections?

What is NO. We should listen to the objections, let the RP know we understand and then use the script to overcome the objections. 


When do we offer Homework Support

What is for 11th and 12th grade students seeking support. * in other rare scenarios where the student typically performs very strong, has not struggled in prior years and is only needing homework help (typically middle school or higher.)*


 Warm Transfer?

What is the process we use to connect an RP to a CD.


Who will need a Insight assessment?

What is all students that are struggling with a specific or overall subject.


When do students typically start practicing for the ACT/SAT exams?

What is Jr year of highschool.


Where do we find the pricing information?

What is in the Script in Kipany/BP or in Recourses also in Clarity under Center Notes.


Where are objections found?

What is in Kipany and Resources under objections.


Is an assessment required for HWS?

What is no- the CD will determine if that is needed once he/she meets with the student.


Bright Pattern/Kipany and Clarity?

What are the systems PAs use to gather information from RPs, to document information for centers, and to disposition calls.


At what grade do we start offering math insight assessments?

What is Before 2nd grade we typically focus on just reading (with some basic writing include). We would only possibly do a math assessment in first grade if the RP says their child is a very strong reader and only struggles with math, but even then you may want to double check with the center first. And take great notes!


Is College Prep customized, group, or both?

What is it depends on the Center (check Center Notes) *Be sure to customize how you explain pricing based on what is offered at the center.*


What if RPs says they do not understand our pricing?

What is go to 2nd and 3rd pass (if needed)


What is one way to address the cost concern objection?

What is  It is common for families to wonder about finances when it comes to
Sylvan. I can assure you that nobody has more flexible options that Sylvan. Our Center
Director, __, is fantastic at finding a solution for every budget. It’s why we’ve been able to
help families of all kinds for nearly 40 years! [* Drive to the sale*]: Why don’t we go ahead
and schedule __ for the assessment, and that way we can tell you exactly how much the
program will cost and what your flexible options will be?


Do the PAs book for HWS?

What is No- the PA does a Warm transfer and treats HWS with urgency. 


Sales/Center Notes

What are the notes in Clarity that the Centers leave so the PA's will have information to give RP's such as Pricing, what service they offer, if they do online and/or in Ctr.


What do we tell RPs when they object to the assessment?

What is a "This is a ONE time lifetime fee"

What is "the assessment is the way we and you can see what skills *child* needs so we can customize a plan to meet those needs and that way *child* starts feeling like a rock star in school!


Where do the College Prep notes live?

What is on Kipany at the top or in Resources.

College Prep pricing can be found in Kipany and in the Center Notes in Clarity.


How will an RP get an exact price?

What is the CD will discuss this after child takes an assessment.


What is one way to overcome the "I need to talk to my spouse" objection.

What is absolutely, we want everybody to be on board! Have you talked with your
husband/wife about getting Violet some help already? What does he/she think about Violet's struggles?


When is the time we start taking info from RP?

What is AFTER the RP tells PA what is going on with the child.


Wrap up Notes

What is Notes left by RP for Centers.

1. RP Temperature -

2. Child Attitude About Tutoring -

3. Rapport Gems -

4. Any RP Hesitations - Concerns –

5. Recommendation made - 

6. Additional Notes - optional -


Where do you find statements to help with objections to Assessments or fees?

What is in Kipany under the objections tab or in Resources.


 First step when someone wants college prep support??

What is sign them up for a practice test. *If the student has recently taken a test and RP is not interested in having a another, then book a CV and have them bring their test scores.*


What is a.l.a ?

What is "As Low As" monthly payments. Our Centers work with a partner to get families financed in order to get them low monthly payments.


If this is the 3rd time the new RP has been contacted and they still are unsure about paying for the assessment. What should we offer?

What is a Starter Session or Center Visit (depending on the situation)


What is one empathy statement

What is I can imagine it’s heartbreaking to see Riley struggling with reading. We are going to get
him the help he needs so that he is confident and independent at school.
• What is Mom, it sounds like this has been really difficult for your family. We can definitely help
turn things around for Riley.

What is I understand as a parent that you hate to hear that Chase hates school. We want to


What touch points do we leave VM if RP does not answer?

What is touch point 1,5, and 8.