Where is the Mount Everest?
in Asia
Translate: to book
брондау, бронировать
What is the smallest ocean?
The Arctic Ocean
Translate into Kazakh: valley
One of North America's most famous sights?
According to Natural wonders of the World
Niagara Falls
What is under the Atlantic Ocean?
mountain range
There are also over 1500 species of colorful fish. Where is it?
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Niagara Falls is between two countries?
USA and Canada
How big is the Southern Ocean?
more than 20, 000, 000 km square
The Charyn Canyon is located _???_ kilometres from Almaty.
Translate: sight
What is the deepest area of the Pacific Ocean called?
The Mariana Trench
How many kilometres-long the Charyn Canyon?
How many islands has the lake Balkhash?
Which ocean has lots of rain for half the year?
The Indian Ocean