This network helped enslaved people escape to freedom.
Underground Railroad
Susan B. Anthony fought for this right for women
What did Rosa Parks refuse to give up?
her seat on a bus in this city.
Sally Ride was the first American woman to do this.
Go to space
In what countrh was she the first black billionaire woman?
Harriet Tubman risked her life to rescue approximately this many enslaved people.
Susan B. Anthony was once arrested for doing this illegally.
Parks worked alongside this famous Civil Rights leader.
Martin Luther King
She flew aboard this space shuttle in 1983.
Oprah is best known as a host of this type of show.
During the Civil War, Tubman served in these two roles.
spy and a nurse
Her face appeared on this U.S. coin in 1979.
Dollar coin
She was awarded this highest U.S. civilian honor in 1996.
After NASA, she focused on inspiring girls to study this field.
Oprah produced and starred in this 1985 movie.
Tubman was nicknamed this because of her bravery.
Anthony co-founded this organization for women's suffrage.
National Woman Suffrage Association
Her act of defiance sparked this major Civil Rights protest.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
She was the youngest American astronaut at this age.
She started this influential book club
Oprah’s Book Club
In her later years, she helped establish this type of home for elderly African Americans.
Nursing home
which amendment gave women the right to vote?
The 19th amendment
Parks’ arrest happened in this year.
Sally Ride wrote books about this topic for children.
Oprah owns a school for girls in this African country.
South Africa