To FBA or FA - That Is The Question?
You Better Be Ethical
Where Am I? Stages Of A Program

What's the difference between FA and FBA?

What is an FBA identifies variables that are present (correlated) in the 3 term contingency of the target bx

What is FA entails an experimental analysis of variable causation and control


Benefiting others, behaving with integrity, compassion, and competence 

What is the core principles


Objective, measurable, and observable that includes onset/offset criteria is developed in this stage

What is Stage 2 - Defining a target behaviour


This part of the FBA views the behaviour

What is direct assessments

Congrats! You're getting married. A client's family decides to send you a gift basket on the morning of full of goodies for your bridal party. What ethical principle is important?

What is Section 1 – Responsibility as a Professional (1.12 – giving/receiving gifts)


Rating scales, checklists, and interviews or viewing the behaviour in the natural environment

What is Stage 3 - Baseline


A student speaks out a lot in class. The teacher tells the students to work quietly while they mark at their desk. What condition is being tested?

What is positive reinforcement in the form of social attention and/or attention condition


Who do the core principles and the code of ethics apply too?

What is RBT's, BCaBA's, and BCBA's


Can the target behaviour be measured in some way might be a question to ask the stakeholders

What is Stage 1 - Intake?


Preferred activity or toys return to individual when behaviour occurs

What is tangible condition


“Ethics," from a behavioural perspective, refers to

Certain standards of behaviour that are developed by a culture and that promote the survival of that culture


Find your SD

What is Stage 2 - Defining a target behaviour


Break from task provided when behaviour occurs

What is escape condition


A major commission of the APA regarding ethics 

Follow the ethics codes and standards of their professions


Checking on a behaviour weekly vs. checking on a behaviour every few months

What is Stage 4 - Treatment vs. Stage 5 - Maintenance