The list of elected and appointed positions along with their roles and responsibilities of the executive board is found in this document.
What is Policies and Procedures.
All program changes to the calendar must be reported and voted on during executive board meetings. Who makes the motion to accept the calendar changes during GBM (General Body Meeting).
Who is the 2nd Vice President
This has to be done for a committee to present at GBM.
What is present a committee report at the last executive board meeting.
This must be stated when presenting a motion.
What is “I move that….”
Reference: Chapter Management Handbook
Section XIII: Parliamentary Procedures.
Pg 157
True or False
After new officers, committee chairs, and committee members have been elected or appointed, it's not required that there be a transition meeting between all the outgoing and incoming members.
Chapter Management Handbook: Transition of Officers Pg 137
Code of Conduct: Section 6: Dereliction of Duties P 24
This committee is comprised of the following officers: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer.
What is the Executive Committee.
Reference: Policies and Procedures - Pg. 6
These documents should be reviewed to determine specific committee responsibilities.
What are CJA Policies and Procedures and the Chapter Management Handbook.
This report from committee chairs helps determine the agenda for the executive board meeting.
What is the committee status report.
True or False
When a motion comes from a committee, a second is required.
Section XIII: Parliamentary Procedures. Pg 157
This is focused on our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust, Members, Organizational Infrastructure and communities.
What are our national strategic priorities.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Strategic Plan, Page 15
This Officer serves as member of Budget and Finance committee, Executive Committee, Executive Board and Fundraising Committee; and also serves as a member of the Minerva Circle.
Who is the Financial Secretary.
Reference: Policies and Procedures - Pg. 12
This document must be given to attendees immediately after the completion of each event or activity.
What is the Program Evaluation.
Reference: Program Planning Tool Guide
This committee requests a minimum of 6 weeks to create marketing materials.
What is Communication & Public Relations (CPR)
This is the language used by the Chair, if the chapter decides to do what a motion proposes.
What is adopts the motion, or the motion is carried.
Reference: Chapter Management Handbook
Section XIII: Parliamentary Procedures.
Pg 157
This is the amount of time it takes for a check request to be approved.
What is one to two weeks?
True or False
Special Committee Chairs, Sub-Committee Chairs and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs do have a vote on the executive board.
What is False.
They do not have a vote on the executive board.
Reference: Policies and Procedures - Pg. 6
This is where you would go to find a blank copy of the PPD (Program Planning & Development) plan.
What is the Documents Library under the Members Only portal of the chapter website.
What is held on the 4th Friday for the months of September through June
What are Executive Board Meetings
This is a proposal that certain actions be taken; it is how business is brought before an assembly...
What is a Main Motion.
Reference: Chapter Management Handbook
Section XIII: Parliamentary Procedures.
Pg 158
This initiative focuses on CJA's Long-Term Financial Stability and Enhancing the Brand.
What is Phase 1 of CJA's Action Plan.
The President, 1st VP and 2nd VP are members of this committee.
What is Risk Management?
Reference: Policies and Procedures Pg. 27
A committee voted to have a date change/ cancellation for an event, this MUST be done to have it reflected on the chapter calendar.
What is have the committee chair or designee report and make a motion for the change/ cancelation at the next executive board meeting?
When reporting at GBM, this should be done when your allocated time runs out.
What is stop talking/reporting.
When a standing committee has two or three co-chairs, this is the number of votes the committee receives.
What is one.
Reference: Policies and Procedures Pg. 31
This is where a committee chair will find the balance of their committee's budget.
What is the treasurer's report.