Presidential Powers
Roles of the President
Foreign & Domestic Policy
EOC Practice

The United States postal service is an example of....?

an executive agency


What is the difference between expressed powers and implied powers

Expressed powers are written in Article II of the constitution but Implied powers are not; they are necessary and proper for the President to carry out his duty as President.


As the head of the entire federal government, the President is the _____ _______________

Chief Executive


Which action formally accuses a government official of “wrongdoing”?



Mr. Swan was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and moved to Istanbul, Turkey, when he was only 1 years old, before moving to China at the age of 12. Mr. Swan moved to Florida at the age of 22 and wanted to run for President on his 35th birthday.

Can Mr.Swan run for president?


- Lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years

- Is at least 35 years old

- Is a natural born citizen


The president has the power to appoint cabinet members and seek their advise. As chief executive, the President is in charge of the Cabinet, but who else makes up the president's cabinet?

Vice President & the secretaries of 15 executive department


The statement is from the Magna Carta. "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice." Which political principle justifies this statement?

A. the right to trial protects political institutions

B. The rule of law guarantees fair legal treatment

C. Checks and balances prevent tyranny in government

D. Separation of powers permits shared government authority.

B. The rule of law guarantees fair legal treatment


A _______________ is the head of an executive department which is part of the President's _______________. The are appointed by the ________ and confirmed by the _______.

A Secretary is the head of an executive department which is part of the President's Cabinet. The are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.


Name three expressed powers and three implied powers that the president has.

Expressed: Executive power, commander-in-chief, appointment power, treaty-making power, receive ambassadors, veto power, other powers relating to congress (state of union, advise Congress, convene/adjourn Congress, Pardon.

Implied: In charge of foreign policy, executive orders, military intervention.


The Queen of England is visiting the U.S. for the first time since 2007. The President will treat her to tea, chocolate biscuits (her favorite!) & crumpets on the White House lawn before hosting a state dinner for the Queen. What role is the President playing in this scenario?

Head of State - The President represents the U.S. as the country's leader for ceremonial events. (This is a Ceremonial event and not a diplomatic visit to discuss foreign relations--think of it as a friendly formality)


The Secretary of state (head of the state department) helps the President make _____________ (domestic or foreign) policy decisions.

Foreign Policy - Secretary of state handles foreign relations (everything outside the U.S.)


The statement below is from a congressional document, July 27, 1974.   

"Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States." 

How have similar statements influenced modern congressional actions?

presidential impeachment

The quote discusses misconduct of a public official.


Describe the Impeachment process

Step 1) House of Representatives begins Impeachment process by bringing charges of misconduct against the president. To proceed past this stage, a majority of the house must vote to charge the president or wrongdoing.                    

Step 2Senate tries the impeachment case like a court and 2/3 must vote for conviction and the president may be removed from office and banned from any government job.

*Charges of misconduct --> Conviction --> Removal from office*


How can the following presidential powers be checked by Congress or the Supreme Court?

1. Veto Power

2. Appointment Power

3. Military Intervention

4. Treaty making Power

Veto Power -Congress can override a veto with a 2/3 vote in both houses

Appointment power - The Senate confirms or rejects Presidential appointments

Military intervention - Congress can require troops to return to the U.S. after 60 days

Treaty-Making Power - The senate ratifies all treaties and may reject it

*Supreme court may judge any presidential action unconstitutional*


The President gives a speech at a campaign rally for a Republican running for Senator in Arkansas.  In his speech he also calls on Congress to fund some of his domestic policies and to pass laws that he wants. What roles is the President playing in this scenario?

BONUS: How can Congress check the president's demand for new laws?

Party Leader - The president is supporting a candidate from the same political party during in an election.

Chief Legislator - The President is trying to convince congress to pass new laws that he favors.


The passages are from Executive order 13490, issued by President Barack Obama in 2009. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution ...it is hereby ordered as follows: ...Every appointee in every executive agency .. shall be ...committed to, the following pledge upon becoming an appointee: "As a condition, and in consideration, of my employment in the United States Government in a position invested with the public trust, ...I will not accept gifts from registered lobbyists or lobbying organizations for the duration of my service as an appointee."

Based on these passages, what is the purpose of the executive today?

A.Government employees should be held to the rule of law

B. Government employees should work with interest groups

C. Government employees should support political candidates

D. Government employees should respect enforcement of the law

A.Government employees should be held to the rule of law


In the early 1970s, several men broke into the Democratic Party's national headquarters at the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. In the investigation that followed, the judge ordered that tapes of conversations that had taken place at the White House be given to the court as evidence. President Nixon refused to turn over the tapes, claiming executive privilege. Executive privilege is a concept that is based on the idea that the president needs to keep some information secret. In the United States V Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that when the information was important to a criminal case, executive privilege could NOT be used.

Based on this description, what concept is being implement to restrict Presidential power and hold those in government accountable to the law?

Rule of Law - Those who govern must follow the laws (No one is above the law)


Based on what you've learned about the roles and powers of the presidency, name three ways that you could help to reduce unemployment if you were president.

Executive Orders - these must be obeyed by like a law (unless unconstitutional). The President could create executive agencies to tackle unemployment and/or poverty, they could create federal work programs of social welfare programs (helping the needy). ex: George Bush created the Department of Homeland Security which created jobs; FDR 

Chief Economist - in charge of the national budget, managing the economy, and keeping unemployment low, encouraging businesses to do business in the U.S instead of overseas. (Economy is good = People are working & spending money)

Chief Legislator/Party leader - Could ask congress to pass bills to increase the amount of jobs, change tax laws, help those in poverty, regulate (limit/control) how businesses operate.


President Harry Truman had the final say in dropping the atomic bomb at Hiroshima & Nagasaki in 1945, causing Japan to surrender effectively ending WWII. President Harry Truman also met with Winston Churchill (Great Britain) & Josef Stalin (Soviet Union) after WWII to discuss a treaty on what to do with post-war Germany.

What two roles did President Harry Truman hold in this example?

Bonus (100 points per correct answer): What checks could Congress or the Supreme Court implement in these scenarios?

Commander-in-Chief - The President used his authority to use military force and the use of nuclear weapons.

Chief Diplomat - The President met with world leaders to discuss a treaty and establish relations with these countries.

Congress could reject any treaty proposed by the President.

Congress may argue that a declaration of war is needed before nuclear are weapons are used but the President may argue that it is the use of military intervention

Supreme Court may declare any presidential act unconstitutional.


The statement below was made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a January 23, 2013 Senate hearing.  

It has been one of the great honors of my life to lead the men and women of the State Department … nearly 70,000 serving here in Washington, more than 270 posts around the world. They get up and get to work every day, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances, because they believe, as we believe, the United States is the most extraordinary force for peace and progress the world has ever known.

*Source:  U.S. Department of State

Based on the statement, which is a goal of U.S. policy?

  • Diplomatic alliances
  • Homeland security
  • Citizen Protection
  • Avoiding Conflict

Diplomatic Alliances -The use of the phrase “force for peace and progress the world has ever known” focuses on the importance of diplomatic alliances between the United States and other “posts” around the world.


The political cartoon illustrates a foreign policy issue.

Did the _________________ ratify or not ratify the treaty in this image?

The U.S. Senate did not ratify the treaty