Formal Powers
Informal Powers
Previous POTUS
use of the veto and proposing bill ideas in the State of the Union are examples of the POTUS acting as this.
What is chief legislator.
A directive from the POTUS, not checked by another branch, to be carried out by the Bureaucracy.
What is Executive order
This president defied the precedent of two terms, much ti improve the U.S.
Who is FDR
Restricts the POTUS terms to two
What is 22nd Amendment
sending in troops for 60 days to occupy a land would be POTUS acting as
What is commander in chief
Nixon used this when he withheld tapes from the Congressional committee investigating the Watergate Scandal. the SCOTUS later overruled this.
What is executive privilege.
Gained office when JFK was assassinated.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson
House draws up the articles for this, the Senate holds hearing/trial, must have 2/3 vote in Senate. Only two have had the House draw the articles, neither was removed by Senate.
What is impeachment
Congress made this law for President Clinton to remove parts of a law to help prevent a government shutdown, later ruled unConstitutional by the SCOTUS
What is line item veto
POTUS makes treaties or agreements with other nations, fulfilling his role as head of state, though not getting them approved by Senate.
What is executive agreements
Through his involvement in the Watergate Scandal and cover up, articles of impeachment were created in the House, resulting in his resignation from office
Who is Richard Nixon
Establoishes procedures for filling vacancies in both POTUS and VPOTUS.
What is 25th Amendment
List the order of presidential succession
What is POTUS, VPOTUS, SH, PPTS, SS, ST and members of hte cabinet in the order as they were created.
This was used by FDR to remove most if not all Japanese first and second generation peoples from the West Coast to internment camps in the Colorado area.
What is executive order.
Gained office when the POTUS and the VPOTUS resigned from office as a result of the Watergate Scandal, and would later pardon the POTUS.
Who is Gerald Ford.
POTUS may make treaties with the approval of this group.
What is Senate, 2/3 vote
Links the POTUS with foreign advisors and military advisors for U.S. security policy.
What is National Security Council
members of Congress who support the policies of a popular POTUS and that political party can usually gain great support for re-election.
What is Presidential Coattails
Conducted his WHO as a "spokes and wheels", delegating assignments , and allowing great input by those on staff
Who is John F Kennedy
Creation of a new department of cabinet must be approved by
What is Congress