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Executive Orders
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Political practice of giving jobs to friends and political supporters after winning an election.
What is the Spoils System?

The Presidential power to completely forgive a person of any crime at any time.

What is a Pardon?


What the EPA stands for and how it was created.

What is the Environmental Protection Agency and an Executive Order.

Bonus:  Which President issued the Executive Order to create the EPA in 1970?


Schools that are not paid for by public funds and often are based on religion.

What are Private Schools?


The Federal law enforcement agency in charge of the WITSEC Program and apprehending Federal fugitives AND under what Executive Department.

2 Answers

What is the U.S. Marshall Service and the Department of Justice?


The most common way energy is generated in the U.S. today.

What is by fossil fuels?

Bonus:  What are the 3 most common types of fossil fuels used?


One of the Government corporations we talked about in class.

What are the United States Postal Service, Amtrak and Federal Depository Insurance Corporation?

The President who 'named' the practice of giving jobs to political supporters and friends.
Who is Andrew Jackson?

The "official" assassin of JFK.

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?


The Presidential power to lessen or shorten the punishment of an individual.

What is a commutation?


The WPA (Works Progress Administration) was created by this President and employed millions of Americans to build roads and public buildings and even paid artists to paint, sculpt and write.

Who is FDR?


Schools that are publicly funded in Arizona but are run more like a private school.

What are Charter Schools?


The USPTO and what Department it is under.

What is the United States Patent and Trademark office and the Department of Commerce?


The most common type of Progressive tax in the U.S. and how it works.

What is Income Tax and the more money you make, the higher percentage of your income you pay in taxes?


A U.S. government agency that protects the American public from products that may create a potential hazard to safety.

What is the Consumer Product Safety Commission?


He became President when JFK was assassinated.

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?


The Presidential power to delay or suspend the prosecution or punishment of an individual.

What is a reprieve?


Setting and enacting a legislative agenda, executive orders, sending out troops without a declaration of war, and conducting foreign policy initiatives, among others.

What is an informal, inherent or applied powers of the president?  

Powers not specifically listed in the Constitutiion.


The government level at which educational systems are funded.

What is at the state level?



What is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration?


The politically controversial process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas.

What is Fracking?

Bonus:  This Swedish teenager has won multiple awards for her environmental activism?


Another name or term, starts with "B", for government workers who got their jobs through the Civil Service System.

What is a bureaucrat?


The person who killed the "official" assassin of JFK?

Who is Jack Ruby?


The only President to be excused for criminal behavior and the President who did it.

Who is Richard Nixon by Gerald Ford?


The 3 ways an Executive Order can be overruled or nullified.

What are  (1)Congressional Laws, (2) Supreme Court Decisions and (3) another Executive Order?


The way that the Federal Government gets involved with State Educational systems.

What is funding / money?


The President who issued the most Executive Orders.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Bonus:  About how many did he issue?

Along with Ben Carson, he is the other former republican candidate for President who is part of Trump's Cabinet.
Who is Rick Perry?

The investigative body put together to investigate the assassination of JFK.

What is the Warren Commission?


Former Arizona politician who was forgiven of his conviction by President Trump.

Who is Joe Arpaio?


The President who issued an executive order to ban the practice of hiring based upon gender, anti-discrimination in 1965.

What is Lyndon B. Johnson?


The proposal that would allow public money to be used for private schools.

What are vouchers?


Probably the most famous Executive Order in U.S. History?

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?

bonus:  In what year was the Emancipation Proclamation issued?


When a court issues an order requiring your employer to withhold a certain amount of your paycheck and send it directly to the person or institution to whom you owe money, until your debt is paid off.

What is Garnish your wages?


A new idea in education that allows parents to put their kids in a school that is best for their child.

What is School Choice?


The body of the most senior uniformed leaders within the United States Department of Defense, that advises the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council and the National Security Council on military matters.

What is the Joint Chiefs of Staff?


The day by which income taxes must be filed.

What is April 15th?