Emotional Regulation
Impulse Control
Flexible Thinking
Organizational Skills

True or False:

Taking multiple deep breaths is a good skill to help with emotional regulation


True or False

Impulse control not important for money management

False, it is important 

True or False

Rigid thinking is when you are unable to adapt to new situations


True or False: 

Time management is an organizational skill


True or False: 

Looking away from someone who is speaking to you shows that you are paying attention.



Which situation is a helpful way to regulate your emotions:

Situation 1: Yell at someone and tell them they are the worst when angry


Situation 2: Pause, reflect, and then appropriately and calmly address the situation

Situation 2!


Which situation shows positive impulse control:

Situation 1: Tina waiting for her friend to finish her sentence before jumping in with her idea.Tina interrupting her friend the moment she thinks of an idea, even though its not her turn to talk


Situation 2:Tina interrupting her friend the moment she thinks of an idea, even though its not her turn to talk


Situation 1


Is this flexible thinking or rigid thinking:

Sheldon refuses to get up and share his spot. He will only sit in the same spot of the house no matter what. 



Which of the following is NOT an organization skill: 

    -Managing appointments 

    -Keeping a deadline 

    -Driving to work 

    -Creating a schedule 

Driving to work


 Which of the following shows that someone has good attention? 

    -Doodling in class while the teacher is speaking 

    -Putting water on the stove to boil and then walking away  

    -Asking someone to repeat what they said because you were not listening 

    -Listening to nature as you take a walk through your backyard

  -Listening to nature as you take a walk through your backyard


Give your own definition of emotional regulation

A way for people to calmly and rationally respond and address the emotions they are experiencing 


How would you describe impulse control

Difficulty in the ability to disengage in behaviors that are not beneficial 

Ex: spending lots of money that you do not have


What is flexible thinking? 


  -Ability to change your mind, find new ways to solve problems, help you adapt to unexpected situations, consider a different perspective


What are organization skills?

-Skills that help a person plan and prioritize different tasks. They help a person use their time and resources effectively to achieve their goals.


What does it mean to pay attention?  


 -focusing the mind on one thing

- awareness of your surroundings

- tune out what is not important


When did you have to regulate your emotions?


"Being so angry about failing a test and wanting to throw my laptop. Instead, I took a few deep breaths and moved on"


What is an example of impulse control?

- choosing what to spend money on

- interrupting people

- speaking before thinking


Give an example of a strategy to improve flexible thinking. 

  examples: try something new, switch up your routine, meet someone new, don’t take the easy way, think creatively


Give an example of a resource or tool that can help with organization. 


   -examples: monthly planner, budget, daily chore list


Give an example of a strategy to improve attention. 


  -examples: mindfulness, breathing, eye contact, listening, create a plan


What is the best way to handle this situation:

"You want a McDonalds Mcflurry, you drive all the way there to only be told that the ice cream machine is BROKEN! You feel angry, disappointed, and upset."


- Order something new

- Go somewhere else for ice cream

- Stop at the grocery store

- Try again next time


How should you handle this situation:

"You have received your first paycheck of $200. You have desperately wanted this new video game that is $80, but you have $150 worth of bills to pay."

- You can set aside money that's left after paying bills to save up for the game. You can get the game once you have enough money saved.

- see if your local library has the video game you can rent 


How would you respond to this situation using cognitive flexibility:

"Your family member is telling you that you have to help with cleaning, even though you really don't want to."

 - tell yourself that after you are done cleaning, you can do something that you want to do.

- even though you don't want to do it, you know it will be helpful so you decide to help and do the cleaning. 

- take a deep breath, calm your thoughts, then go clean.


Kim is having a hard time keeping track of her finances. Sometimes she spends more money than she has and cannot afford to pay her bills. What would you recommend for Kim to help manage her money? 


   -ex: create a budget, ask for help, meet with a person at the bank  


It is Gary’s turn to wash the dishes, but he keeps getting distracted by the movie that his roommate is playing. What would you suggest to Gary to help him with his attention so that he can finish washing the dishes?

- do dishes after the movie

- ask his roommate to pause the movie until the dishes are done

- Put in headphones and listen to music to help focus