holding; using
1 tool that can help you remember homework assignments and when they are due.
What is a planner?
Increasing your _______ of time is the first step to improve your management of time.
What is: awareness
One example of using working memory.
Answers will vary- some include: doing a math problem in your head, taking notes, remembering the directions while executing them.
When you receive a big, long-term assignment, what should you do to make sure you finish on time?
A way to improve your awareness of time is....
List all of the information you need to write down in your planner for each assignment.
Class, assignment, page numbers, due date, any materials needed.
Time management is important because...
Answers will vary.
You must listen and hold the information in your brain WHILE writing it down.
Your long-term goal is to get picked for the high school basketball team. What are some short-term steps and goals you can set in order to achieve the long-term goal?
Answers will vary.
You can prioritize what you need to accomplish by...
Making a list and then ordering the list by priority.
What strategies (pick two) could you use to memorize the following number: 419846535
Chunking & Repetition
How can routines help you stay organized and prevent you from losing track of things?
Routines help you create habits. Habits require less mental energy to perform.
When working on an assignment, how can you check in with yourself and make sure you're on track?
Set 15-20 minute timers. Check your progress and make sure you are on track.