
You have a test tomorrow, but you have a basketball game tonight.  When can you study?

It is helpful to study a little bit everyday

Study as soon as you get home before you have to leave for basketball. Maybe study while you are eating dinner. 

If you ride with someone they could quiz you on the way to the game, after and/or in the morning on your way to school. 


Tell three ways a calendar can help you stay organized

Record Due Dates

Record appointments

Set Reminders (ie. to bring textbook, bring shoes for cross-country)

Break down bigger projects into shorter due dates


How could repeating the directions back to yourself be helpful?

So you do not miss parts of the question

helps with maintaining attention on the task


You planned to go to a friend’s house, but your mom told you that you have to go to a family event.  How can you respond?

Could I maybe split my time between the family event and my friend's house

I understand, could I schedule another time with my friend


Could I spent time with family at another time. It is really important to me that I am able to spend this time with my friend because....


You are trying to do your homework but keep getting interrupted by texts.  What can you do to focus on your work?

Turn off notifications

Turn off phone

Put phone in another room or somewhere out of site with the volume off until you have finished your work


You have a big test next week.  Name three things you can do to prepare?

Self-Created Study Guide

Flash Cards 

Reorganize/rewrite notes

Re-read chapters

Have someone quiz you


You always finish your homework but have a hard time finding it when it is time to turn it in.  What can you do?

Have a folder in or pocket in the front of your binder. This is where all completed work goes at the end of your homework time. Check this folder every class period.


What are two ways you can study for a test?

Flash Cards

Someone quizzing you

Creating a study guide our of your notes

Reorganizing or rewriting your notes

Re-reading the text


When you sit down to do your homework, you realize you left your book at school.  What can you do?

Call the school to see if they are still open and you might have access

Call a friend that has the same class to see if you can stop by and work with them or borrow theirs

If the friend has a book, maybe you can do a google hangout or face time to work through the text together

E-mail the teacher requested some more time and letting them know your plan for making sure you do not forget your book again


How could setting a timer help you focus on completing a task (like math homework)?

It becomes a competition for you

You could allow yourself a break or small reward for meeting the time you set for having a certain amount of problems done.


You have a huge two-week project. What are three things you can do to help complete this project on time?

Task Analysis - set due dates for each part of the project

Set frequent reminders on your calendar to ensure time spent on the project daily

Plan to complete the project early


You are about to start your homework but don’t have the right books or binders.  What can you do to avoid this next time?

Check your To Do list before leaving school each day.


What strategies can you use to help to remember the phone number:


Repetively saying it to yourself while typing the numbers on the phone


You want a new jacket and go to the mall to buy one but come home without one.  What are possible 2 reasons for this?

You got distracted and forgot what you had gone to the mall for

You did not see a jacket that you wanted and need to look somewhere else


You were daydreaming in class and now you aren’t sure how to do your homework. What can you to do avoid this in the future?

Take notes 

Rocking or some form of movement

Set alarms on your phone to vibrate every 3-5 minutes. This is your alert to bring yourself back before you have missed too much information

Review your notes or understanding after the lesson with the teacher or a trusted peer. This ensures you know how to do the homework before leaving the school setting.


You have a project due on Monday but a lot of things going on this weekend.  What are three things you can do to plan ahead?

Create a list of what to do

Schedule your work time

Rearrange your schedule to see if there is anything that is not necessary so you can use that time for your project

Start early


How would having a “homework spot” help you stay organized?

Then you only have one place to check when you sit down to do homework. This will save you time, and make sure you don't miss anything.


You have a diorama due in history class. How can a list help you?

A store list to make sure you get all supplies needed in one trip

Making sure you have all of the required components


You want to wear your favorite shirt for your birthday dinner, but you can’t find it.  What do you do?

See if someone else in the house might have seen it or know what happened to it

Look in the laundry basket to see if it needs cleaned

Clean your room and while cleaning see if you come across it

Find a different shirt to wear


You have trouble moving your attention from one activity to another. What can you do?

Set a timer


Request a prompt from your teacher


When you are getting ready to leave school, what are two things you should do?

Check to make sure you have all materials you need for your homework

Make sure you have your homework written down somewhere


Your teacher suggests you use a graphic organizer before writing a big essay. How can this be helpful?

Help you organize your thoughts

Not miss required parts/information in your essay

Create fluency in your writing

Help with brainstorming ideas


How can a routine help you remember things?

Repetition helps you not skip steps and remember things better


Your class is having donuts and you want a chocolate one, but someone took the last one.  What do you do?

Choose a different donut or go without

Say, "I had really hoped for a chocolate donut, but I'll have to pass for now. I'm still very grateful for you bringing donuts to class. "


You are listening to your teacher but are starting to get bored.  What can you do?

Take a quick timed break to the water fountain, restroom or quietly walk in the back of the room

Some type of movement



Take notes

Draw a picture that does not require much attention