Give the definition for executive functioning skills.
Executive functioning skills include our ability to have self-control, develop a plan, manage our time, begin an assignment, remember important information, and persevere through a challenging task. Executive functioning skills are definitely academic skills, but they are also life skills. Kids and young adults need plenty of practice and instruction with executive functioning skills to succeed in their daily lives.
What materials do you need for speech therapy?
Pencil, pen, papers/worksheets, computer, mints, drink, etc.
How could a homework folder or binder help you stay organized?
It can help you keep important papers in one place. It can also help you transport papers from school to home and back without losing them.
Choose one school or speech therapy assignment. How long will it take you?
What days do you have speech?
Monday through Friday
Name three different executive functioning skills.
planning, time management, working memory, self control, flexibility, organization, task initiation, metacognition, attention, and perseverance.
How can a calendar help you plan ahead?
You can keep the dates of important assignments, activities, speech therapy, etc on there.
How can you keep your school or speech therapy work organized? Name 3 ways.
1.) Put it in a binder
2.) Keep your binder in a special spot.
3.) Write down assignments or homework in a special place like a homework notebook.
You can set a timer.
What times do you have speech everyday?
12:45-1:30 pm with Shay
1:30-2:15 pm with Bern
Which executive function is being described below?
Developing steps to reach a goal
Prioritizing what to do first
Considering what materials you need to complete a task
Tackling long-term tasks
Your goal is to become the best Mario video game player of all time. What steps can you take to achieve this goal?
1.) Practice everyday
2.) Play against other tough players
3.) Etc.
Mark's school binder is disorganized. He is always losing papers and never knows what homework or projects are due. Name two things she can do to get organized.
1.) Use dividers in his binder and organize them by class.
2.) Make a homework section or use a homework notebook.
What two things can you do in the last few minutes of school or speech to make sure you are prepared for the next class?
1.) Ask your teacher questions about the work from today.
2.) Ask your teacher what the homework is.
Which executive function is being described below?
Keeping track of assignments and dates
Keeping materials orderly
Developing a system that helps
keep track of materials
Having all the necessary information for a task ready
Using a calendar to keep track of dates and important events
Name three tasks or activities you need to complete today.
How could stating organized help you reduce stress?
You will know where everything is and can easily access your materials. You wont spend a lot of time trying to find your things.
What does it mean to prioritize?
Put the most important tasks first and the least important tasks last. Put things in order of importance.
Which executive function is being described below?
Developing steps to reach a goal
Prioritizing what to do first
Sticking to a schedule
Being on time
Tackling long-term tasks
Estimating how much time you have
Estimating how much time something will take
Staying within time limits
Time Management.
If you know you have a big test next week, what can you do to plan for it now?
1.) Make a study schedule.
2.) Review/study a little each day.
3.) Break the material down into parts.
Name two ways you can organize your bedroom at home.
2.) Make sure your dirty clothes are in a laundry basket or hamper and your clean clothes are put away in your closet/drawers.
How can good time management help you get more time for fun activities?
You will get your work done quickly so that you can have more time to enjoy the activities that you like to do.