#1: Main characters
Moses, Israel, the Lord
#11: Did the Israelites learn their lesson at Marah? How do you know?
No. The Bible says they continued to complain.
#3: What is the conflict?
The people don't have water or a water source
#19: What was the Lord beginning to teach them by having them gather twice on the 6th day? Did they obey?
Keep the Sabbath as a day of rest for the Lord; no they did not.
#15: How did the Lord respond to THIS grumbing?
He would give them bread/quail every day (twice on the 6th day)
wilderness of Shur; place called Marah
#7: Moses' response to the conflict
He cried out to the Lord
#9: Why would God allow the Israelites to suffer like this?
To teach them His rules and test their faith and obedience
#17: What were the Lord's instructions for gathering the manna? Were they clear?
Take only enough for each person each day. Yes.
#14: What was the reasoning of the Israelites' complaining?
#4: How long were the people suffering?
3 days
#8: How the conflict was resolved
God had Moses throw a tree into the water; water became sweet and drinkable
#13: Israel grumbled against _____ in the Wilderness of Sin
Moses and Aaron, but actually the Lord
#16: Why did the Lord respond this way?
So that they would know He is God; to test them to see if they would trust and be obedient
#5: Why is the length of time so serious?
Humans can't survive long without water
#12: What was the length of time between events @ Marah and the Wilderness of Sin?
a few weeks (but less than one month)
#18: Why do you think some people disobeyed? What did that prove and what was the result?
They wanted to make sure they had something to eat; they did not have faith; the manna was full of worms; doing things their own way did not work out!