structured movement to improve or maintain health and fitness is called . . .
your body's ratio of lean mass to fat mass (what your body is made of) is called . . .
body composition
The ability to quickly change direction without losing speed or power is called . . .
this body system controls voluntary and involuntary actions and functions of the body and helps redistribute blood flow during exercise
nervous system
Where is ATP stored?
in your muscles
movement of daily living is called . . .
physical activity
your muscle's ability to exert maximum amount of force in one effort is called . . .
muscular strength
The ability to stabilize the body both in movement and when maintaining stillness is called . . .
this body system is the structural framework for the body, protecting organs and storing minerals
skeletal system
this system relies on oxygen to produce energy (through the krebs cycle and electron transport chain) and can support longer duration activities
oxidative system
exercise that puts stress on the muscles is called . . .
muscle strengthening exercise
Your muscles’ ability to exert force repeatedly or for an extended period of time is called . . .
muscular endurance
The ability to respond quickly to what you see, hear, or feel is called . . .
reaction time
cardiac, smooth, and skeletal are all components of this body system that help you perform exercise efficiently
muscular system
This system provides energy for movements lasting 5-15 seconds
ATP-PCr system
Exercise that puts stress on the bones (impact training) is called . . .
bone strengthening exercise
Your muscles’ and joints’ ability to move through their full range of motion is called . . .
The ability to use your senses in combination with your actions when in movement is called . . .
this body system transports nutrients and eliminates waste
digestive system
This system relies on the rapid breakdown of carbohydrates for energy and can support movements for 1-2 minutes
Glycolytic system (glycolysis; lactic acid system)
this term means "without oxygen"
Your body’s ability to deliver oxygen to working muscles during exercise is called . . .
cardiovascular endurance
The ability to combine both speed and force in movements and actions is called . . .
this body system is a control center of the body by secreting hormones that impact normal body functioning
endocrine system
How can you train your glycolytic system?
circuit training (going from one exercise to the next - with little to no rest in between)