Designing Training
Somatotypes and Posture
Environmental Factors of Performance
Fitness Testing and Energy Systems
Miscellaneous (Wildcards)

These are the three core components of a training session.

What are warm ups, conditioning/skill components, and cool downs?


This somatotype is descriptive of someone with wide shoulders, hips, and a thicker ribcage.

What is an endomorph?


Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all symptoms of this condition.

What is hyperthermia? 


The 30-second Wingate test is an example of a fitness test for this component of fitness.

What is muscular endurance/anaerobic capacity?


Name this song.

What is Flashing Lights (Kanye West)?


These are the three phases of competition that a training year is split into.

What is pre-season (preparatory phase), in-season (competition phase), and off-season (transition phase)? 


Postural stability is classified under these two types, which refer to whether the person is moving or stationary.

What is static and dynamic?


This type of temperature regulation refers to the transfer of heat energy between two objects in contact.

What is conduction?


This is the molecular form that carbohydrates are stored in the body.

What is glycogen? 


Name these artists.

Who are Calvin Harris (How Deep is your Love) and Gorillaz (On Melancholy Hill)?


This term refers to the reduction of training toward the end of a competitive season to have athletes at their peak physical fitness.

What is tapering?


This type of postural deviation describes the extreme curvature of the spine to the side of one's body.

What is scoliosis?


This type of temperature regulation refers to heat transferred by motion of a fluid such as air and water taking heat energy away from its source.

What is convection? 


This type of testing uses predictive or normative data to estimate fitness levels.

What is indirect testing?


Throughout this year, I have worn three different anime-related shirts. Name two of the shows to which the shirts have related.

What are Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Haikyu?


A periodised training plan contains these medium length cycles of typically 2-6 weeks that tend to match up with competition phases.

What are mesocycles?


In Sheldon's classification of body typing, three numbers are given in succession to describe a person's relaiton to each somatotype (e.g. 5-3-2). The third number in this sequence relates to which somatotype? 

What is an ectomorph? 


This term refers to the state of the body when it is not receiving adequate oxygen for its demands and is often experienced at high altitudes.

What is hypoxia? 


Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is broken down to, and reformed from, these two molecules.

What is Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate (Pi)?


Pi challenge:

Each team will state how many decimal places of pi one of their members can say. The team with the highest number gets the chance to compete and will win or lose the points depending on if they are correct or not. 

What is 3.14159265358979323846...?


In the conditioning section of a training session, this is the first type of training that should be completed.

What is sprint and/or speed work? 


This postural deviation, commonly known as humpback, refers to the excessive forward curvature of the spine and results in chest wall collapse and decreased height.

What is Kyphosis?


This term refers to the shrinking of blood vessels in response to exercise in cold environments.

What is vasoconstriction?


The metabolism of one Fatty Acid Molecule can produce this number of ATP molecules.

What is 130 ATP molecules? 


In the 2024 Olympics, Gold-medalist sprinter Noah Lyles revealed two Yugioh cards hidden in his jersey as good luck charms. Name one of these cards.

BONUS 500: Name both.

What are Blue Eyes White Dragon and/or Exodia the Forbidden One?