Getting started with exercise
Random Animal Facts!
True or False: Exercise can help lower blood pressure.
True! Especially in people with high blood pressure.
True or false: The main benefit of aerobic muscle is getting stronger.
False: Aerobic exercise works your muscles, but is more focused on heart health and circulation.
True or false: A person needs a gym membership or special equipment to do resistance-training (aka strength training, weights, etc.)
False - you can use your body-weight (push-ups) or household objects for resistance-training.
True or false: To get health benefits, you need to do all your exercise at 1 time during the day.
False: If you are aiming for 30 minutes of exercise a day, you can either do it all at once, or split it up. For example, you can go for 3, 10-minute walks.
True or false: Squirrels can't vomit.
True, they can't burp either.

Which of the following is not a benefit of exercise?

a. Reduces the risk of dying prematurely

b. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes

c. Reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer

d. Promotes psychological well-being

e. All of the above
All of the above!

How many minutes of aerobic exercise should you do per day, 5 days per week?

a. 0 minutes

b. 10 minutes

c. 20 minutes

d. 30 minutes
D. 30 minutes, 5 or more days per week

How many times per week should you do resistance-training?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4
b. 2. Also it is good to give your body 48 hours to recover

If you feel which of the following symptoms while exercising, you should stop and see your doctor:

a. Pain or pressure in the chest, arms, throat, jaw or back

b. Nausea or vomiting during or after exercise

c. Lightheadedness, dizziness or feeling faint during exercise

d. Inability to catch your breath

e. All of the above
e. All of the above. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should stop and talk to your doctor. If it feels like an emergency, go to the hospital.
Reindeer eyes turn what color in the winter so that they can see better?
Exercise improves blood sugar control in people with diabetes and can therefore help prevent what disease?
Type 2 diabetes
Before starting a new exercise routine, you should talk to __________.
Before starting a new exercise routine, you should talk to your doctor.
A ______ is a single completed back and forth motion of a resistance exercise, such as bending and extending the arm at the elbow while holding a weight in the hand.
A repetition is a single completed back and forth motion of a resistance exercise, such as bending and extending the arm at the elbow while holding a weight in the hand.
It is important to drink plenty of ______ during and after exercise.
It is important to drink plenty of water during and after exercise. Remember: supposed exercise drinks like gatorade are often very high in sugar and might counteract the health benefits of exercise.
Why do flamingos look pink?
Because of eating lots of shrimp.
If you are trying to lose weight, why is it important to diet AND exercise?
Losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. So you can either eat fewer calories, burn more calories, or some combination of both. If you only diet, you run the risk of losing muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so losing muscle is not good for long-term weight loss.
Name 2 examples of aerobic exercise.

1. Walking

2. Running/jogging

3. Cycling

4. Swimming
A ______ is a number of repetitions done without resting.
A set is a number of repetitions done without resting.
If you are in a building with multiple floors, what is a convenient way to add exercise into your day?
Use the stairs instead of the elevator
What animal can bite strong enough to break a bowling ball?
A grizzly bear
Weightbearing exercise helps to prevent (name of disease) and reduces the incidence of fractures.
Weightbearing exercise helps to prevent osteoporosis and reduces the incidence of fractures.
What aerobic exercise can most people do without any gym or special equipment?
Walking! Sometimes people think a gym membership or special equipment is required for exercise, but brisk walking is a great aerobic exercise.
In addition to your muscles, resistance-training also makes your ______ stronger.
In addition to your muscles, resistance-training also makes your bones stronger.
The best type of exercise is the exercise that you _____.
The best type of exercise is the exercise that you like or enjoy!. Sometimes people assume that you need to do a certain type of exercise like jogging, even if you don't like it, to get health benefits. But actually as long as your heart rate is faster and you do it regularly, it can be any activity - walking, dancing, cycling, etc.
A peahen is the female equivalent for a _______.
A peahen is the female equivalent for a peacock.