Types of Exercises
True or False
physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively
What is sports
The USDA reccomends that boys 14-18 years old have ___ ounces of grains.
What is 7
Experts believe that excercising ___ before bedtime may actually help a person sleep
What is 5-6 hours.
These gentle stretching exercises should be done every day and are the most important of all your exercises. can help you protect your joints by reducing the risk of joint injury, help you warm-up for more strenuous exercise by getting your body moving, and help you relax and release tension from your body. These can be done on land or in water such as a pool, hot tub or warm bath.
What is flexibility exercises.
Chicken Soup fights the congestion that comes with a cold
What is true
the object of this game is to score more points than the other team. You can score points various ways like carrying the ball over the goal line, running with the ball over the goal line, catching a pass while standing behind the goal line and many more ways.
What is football?
A slice of bread equals to an....
What is a ounce
Biggest reason your body needs protein
What is building and maintaining body tissue.
can help build your muscles so they can absorb shock and protect your joints from injury, as well as help you get around better. These exercises use weight or resistance to make your muscles work harder, thereby helping them get stronger.
What is strengthening exercises
You should eat a variety of nutrient- rich foods
What is true
this one is played with a bat and a small hard ball. The team with the most points wins the games. Points are calculated by how many players have crossed home plate.
What is baseball
What is potassium
Between the ages of 10-18 years old how many hours of sleep do you need a night
What is 8.5 to 9.25 hours
is any physical activity that uses the large muscles of the body in rhythmic, continuous motions. This includes walking, dancing, swimming and bicycling, among others. The purpose of these exercises is to make your heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles work more efficiently. They also can result in improved endurance, stronger bones, improved sleep, controlled weight and reduced stress, depression and anxiety.
What is cardiovascular exercises.
Bananas are a natural antacid
What is true
It is played with a bat and a softer version of the baseball.
What is softball
sweet potatoes
What is one of the best vegetables you can eat
is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.
What is physical exercise
helps in making your body healthy as all the body parts stretches and strengthen up in a desired manner. This exercise also helps in frequent movement of the body parts and also helps in energizing the body.
What is squats
Carrots are good for your hearing
What is false
This game is played with a ball that is round and big and two goal nets, one on each end of the field. The object of this game is to score more points than the other team. You score points by kicking the ball into your opponent's goal net.
What is soccer
In 1994 nearly ____ of teen boys drank 34 ounces of soda
What is 3/4
such as weight training, functional training, eccentric training or sprinting, increase short-term muscle strength
What is anaerobic exercise
is one of the hardest exercises among all the above stated exercises. it helps in providing shape to your body with excellent muscular as well heart functions. It also helps in making tight arms, strong shoulders along with perfect triceps. The blood circulation in the body can also be improved by including this exercise in our daily routine.
What is push ups
You should only eat fruit once a week
What is false