What does the word "tabernacle" mean in Hebrew?
Dwelling place
What two things did God provide in the wilderness for the Israelites?
Manna and quail
What was the name of Moses' brother?
What is the Hebrew name for God?
What three colors are the most significant in the making of the tabernacle?
Red, blue, purple
Why did the veil have to be there?
What happened to the veil later on?
- Separates God's holy presence and man's sin
- Torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross (slay Jesus)
What did the Israelites do when Moses was on Mt. Sinai?
Made a golden calf and worshipped it
How did God first interact with Moses?
Bonus points: What chapter of the Bible did this happen in?
Burning bush
Bonus: 3
What was God's response to Moses when Moses questions his own abilities at the burning bush?
"I AM who I AM"
What caused Moses to have to flee from Egypt?
Murdered an Egyptian
What is the significance of the East Gate?
- Must pass through the tribe of Judah
- Jesus will come back through the East Gate
- Adam & Eve are kicked out of the garden and the East Gate is guarded by cherubim
What did the Israelites have to do to avoid the tenth plague? What is symbolic about that?
- Blood on the doorpost from a spotless lamb
- Jesus is our Passover Lamb
Where did Moses flee when he first left Egypt?
How did God guide His people in the wilderness?
Pillar of cloud by day, fire by night (slay God)
Name as many of the plagues as you can (20 points per plague)
- Water to blood
- Frogs
- Gnats
- Flies
- Disease on livestock
- Boils
- Hail
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Death of firstborn
Name all the significant items/parts in the tabernacle working your way in from the East Gate :)
East gate, bronze altar, bronze basin, curtains, table of showbread, lamp stand, altar of incense, VEIL, ark of the covenant, mercy seat
Name as many of the 10 commandments as you can (50 points for each commandment)
1) No other gods
2) No idols
3) Do not take the Lord's name in vain
4) Remember the Sabbath
5) Honor father & mother
6) You shall not murder
7) You shall not commit adultery
8) You shall not steal
9) You shall not bear false witness
10) You shall not covet
What excuse did Moses give God when he was told to go back to Egypt?
Bonus: What chapter?
"I am of unskilled speech"
Bonus: 6
What does God constantly remind the Israelites that He did for them throughout Scripture that happened in the book of Exodus?
Delivered from Egypt
How does the manna that God provides connect to Jesus?
- Jesus is our daily bread / Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
What is the role of the high priest?
What does it mean that Jesus is our High Priest?
- Offered a sacrifice to atone for the sin's of the people, interceded on behalf of the people
- Both the sacrifice and the mediator between God and man
How many people left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea according to Scripture?
600,000 men (probably 2 million total)
How did God use Moses in the parting of the Red Sea? Why was it important that He used Moses?
- Lift up his staff, stretch out his hand to divide the sea
- "The people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses"
Name four characteristics God uses to describe Himself to Moses?
Bonus: What is the reference?
Merciful, gracious, slow to anger, steadfast love, faithful, just
Bonus: 34:6-7
No, under grace but the law is written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-34) BC Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly and died on our behalf