How Many Plagues Were there?
Pharoah's daughter.
What were the two forms God used to Lead to Isreal after they left Egypt?
A Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Cloud
Jethro Moses' Father in Law was a Priest of ___
What was the first Plague?
The Plague of Frogs~
What Tribe of Israel was Moses from?
Before Crossing the Red Sea what was Isreal's first Complaint to Moses.
They were afraid that Pharoah would catch them and kill them.
What was Moses' wife named?
When Moses went up the mountain to Talk to God, what did the people of Isreal do?
They stayed behind in fear.
One of the plagues turned the Nile River into this~
What is BLOOD
What did Moses do that made him flee from Egypt?
He hit and Killed an Egyptian man.
After Moses and His sister sang a song praising God. The Isrealites decided they were _______ and the water was BITTER.
Moses was overwhelmed trying to do what for Isreal?
Serve as a Judge
If you strike a person intentionally and they die, what did God say should happen to you according to the law?
What is the Jewish Holiday to celebrate the last Plague on Egypt?
The Passover.
What land did Moses Flee too?
The land of Midian
After God Provided water for Isreal at Elim, they then decided they were _____ and Received Manna and Quail.
Split up the work among many other judges so that all the cases didn't have to come through him.
If a Bull is known to be aggressive and it kills someone what is to happen to the owner?
The Owner and the Bull must be put to death
What animals blood did the put on their door's so the Spirit of God would pass-over them.
LambChops Playalong
Who was Moses' Father In Law?
Isreal went to the Desert of sin and Decided they were _____ AGAIN.
After Jethro went away, Moses went to what Mountain
Mount Sinai
Say one of the 10 Commandments
1. No other God's before me. 2. Do not make Idols. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in Vain. Keep the sabbath. Honor your father and Mother. Do not Murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Do not Covet.