The plagues would do this to Pharaoh's heart.
A. Harden
B. Soften
C. Not Change
d. Give him a heart attack
A. Harden
(Exodus 7:3)
This of both man and beast were slain.
A. Firstborn
B. Secondborn
C. Thirdborn
D. Fourthborn
A. The firstborn (Exodus 12:12)
The Lord caused the sea to divide by this strong force.
A. West Wind
B. North Wind
C. South Wind
D. East Wind
D. East Wind (Exodus 14:21)
Mana appeared at what time of day?
A. Morning
B. Noon
C. Evening
A. Morning
(Exodus 16:12-13)
When Israel camped at Rephidim they did not have this.
A. Water
B. Food
C. Shelter
D. Fire
A. Water (Exodus 17:1)
The region of Goshen was not impacted by the plagues.
A. True
B. False
A. True
(Exodus 8:22)
The Israelites were to put the blood of the Passover goat on their doorposts and lintel.
A. True
B. False
B. False
Blood of the Passover lamb (Exodus 12:6-7)
The Israelites ate this bread only during the first 7 days after leaving Goshen.
A. Wheat
B. Flax
C. Unleavened
D. Barley
C. Unleavened Bread (Exodus 13:6)
This covered Israel's camp in the evening.
A. Turkey
B. Quail
C. Chicken
D. Fish
B. Quail
(Exodus 16:13)
Moses cried out to God saying that the people were ready to do this to him.
A. Beat him
B. Send him away
C. Stone him
D. Punish him
C. Stone him (Exodus 17:4)
Which was the first plague?
A. Frogs
B. Lice
C. Water turned to blood
D. Flies
C. Water to blood
(Exodus 7:19)
The Israelites asked their neighbors for jewels of silver and pearls.
A. True
B. False
B. False
Jewels of silver and gold. (Exodus 11:2)
The Lord went before the Israelites as a Pillar of cloud and a Pillar of smoke.
A. True
B. False
B. False Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire.
(Exodus 13:21)
On the 5th day of the week, Israel would gather double the amount of mana.
A. True
B. False
B. False 6th Day
(Exodus 16:22)
This nation arrived to fight Israel.
A. Philistine
B. Amalek
C. Egypt
D. Syria
B. Amalek (Exodus 17:8)
The 9th plague, darkness, lasted this amount of days.
A. 7
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10
3 Days
(Exodus 10:23)
There would be a great cry throughout all Egypt, but within Israel, a dog would not move this.
A. Tail
B. Paw
C. Ears
D. Tongue
D. His tongue (Exodus 11:7)
The Lord told Moses to lift this and stretch it over the Redsea in order to part it.
A. Rod
B. Hand
C. Foot
D. Finger
A. Lift his rod and stretch it over the sea. (Exodus 14:16)
The daily measurement of mana to was be gathered per person.
A. 1 Omer
B. 1 Liter
C. 1 Cup
D. 1 Bag
A. 1 Omer
(Exodus 16:16)
Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms during the battle with Amalekites.
A. True
B. False
A. True
(Exodus 17:12)
Moses tossed this into the air to begin the 6th plague.
A. Rocks
B. Sand
C. Water
D. Ashes
D. Ashes (Exodus 9:10)
The Passover lamb was to be eaten with unleavened bread and this bitter plant.
A. Lemon
B. Lime
C. Sour Patch Kids
D. Herbs
D. Herbs
(Exodus 12:8)
The Israelites said, "What is this?" when they first saw the mana.
A. True
B. False
B. False “What is it?”
(Exodus 16:15)
The name of the altar that Moses built was called "The-Lord-Is-My-Shepherd"
A. True
B. False
B. False The-Lord-Is-My-Banner (Exodus 17:15)
Pharaoh's magicians could duplicate the first two plagues, but from the third plague on, they could not reproduce them.
A. True
B. False
Exodus 8:18-19
Which plague was the Plague of Flies
B. 3rd
C. 4th
D. 5th
D. 5th
Exodus 8:20-24
How were the Israelites to prepare the Passover lamb?
B. Boiled
C. Baked
D. Roasted
D. Roasted
Exodus 12:9
What was the eighth plague?
A. Lice
B. Frogs
C. Locust
D. Boils
C. Locust
The Plague of Lice was the 2nd plague.
A. True
B. False
A. True
Exodus 8
What is the ninth plague?
A. Plague of Darkness
B. Plague of Boils
C. Plague of Hail
D. Plague of Diseased Livestock
A. Plague of Darkness
Exodus 10:21-23
The Fifth Plague of the Diseased Livestock included
A. Cattle
B. Horses
C. Camels
D. All the above
D. All the above
Exodus 9:3
During the plague of darkness, the Children of Israel had no light in their dwellings.
A. True
B. False
B. False
Exodus 10:23
Foreigners were not allowed to eat the Passover meal.
A. True
B. False
B. True
Exodus 12:43
"Then there shall be a great ___________ throughout all the land of Egypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again."
A. Shout
B. Cry
C. Moan
D. Song
B. Cry
Exodus 11:6
There were two laws for the Passover. One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger who dwells among you.
A. True
B. False
A. True
Exodus 12:49