The stories of God rescuing his people
Written on stone tablets for the Israelites
What are the 10 commandments
To be a place where God can dwell in their midst.
What is the tabernacle?
Given to the Israelites through Moses by God to help them govern themselves
What is the Mosaic Law?
Death of the first borns
What is the last Plague against Egypt?
The head of Israel
Who is Moses?
Asked that Moses speak to them through Moses
Who are the Isrealites
Was in charge of the tabernacle
Who are the sons of Levi? Who are the Levites?
Had different punishments under the Mosiac Law?
What is killing?
Saved Israelites male babies
What are Israelites midwives?
A picture of Sinai and God's people
What is the tabernacle?
Forty days and forty nights
How long was Moses on Mount Sinai?
What is the bronze laver?
Paying back twice you steal
What is double restitution?
Who are the Israelites?
1265 B.C. (13th century)
Whatare the alternative dates for the Exodus?
Given to the Israelites after the consecrated themselves to the Lord
What is a blessing?
Filled the tabernacle
What is the glory of God?
Received special attention from the Israelites due to the Israelites knowing how harsh life as a stranger was.
What are the poor and homeless?
Symbolized the crucifixion
What is Passover?
J is "Jahwist," E is "Elohist," D is "Deuteronomist," and P is "Priestly."
What do the letters J, E, D, and P stand for regarding the source books theory?
Said that the noise in the camp sounded like war
Who is Joshua?
Burned to create a sweet-smelling aroma in the tabernacle
What is the Altar of Incense?
Broken after the Israelites sin
What are the 10 Commandment stone tablets?
Gave Moses advice about leadership
Who is Jethro?