Exotic Fruits 1
Exotic Vegetables
Exotic Fruits 2
Exotic Spice

This red berry grows on a shrub in China. Among the many health benefits; it protects the eyes, the immune system, skin, protects against cancer, stabilizes blood sugar level and improves depression, anxiety and sleep.

What is Goji berry.


This vegetable is green and has little buds on it and is actually an edible flower bud. First documented in Italy, it grows in the Eastern Mediterranean. It has a slightly nutty flavour, a little like a mix of cauliflower and chestnuts. It is rich in Vitamin C & K.

What is Broccoli Romaneso.


These are types of this fruit.

Fuji, Honey Crisp and Granny.

What are types of apples.


This herb is a compact plant with narrow deeply veined leaves. It smells a bit like aniseed.

What is Thai Basil.


These fruit are oval and come in colours ranging from green to yellow and orange.

What is Mango.


This fruit is a common ingredient in Korean BBQ. It has been grown in China for over 2000 years. It is round, yellow and grows on a tree. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, K, and Potassium. It has approximately 51 calories and 9 grams of sugar.

What is Asian Pear.


This vegetable has reddish purple skin and is yellow on the inside. It resembles a parsnip and is similar to our carrot. It was first domesticated in Asia in the 10th Century and also grows in Iran. It is a hardy vegetable. It has Beta-Carotene, Fiber and is good for your eye sight.

What is a Dragon Carrot.


With this name and taste you may think this is a fruit. This plant looks like green onion. It grows in Asia, Africa and Australia.

What is a Lemon Grass.


There are 2 types of this spice. It has green feathery leaves and a white bulb on the bottom. It is a good source of fibre and tastes a little like licorice.

What is fennel.


This large green fruit has small spikes on its skin. It does not smell appealing but tastes amazing.

What is Durian.


Native to China, these edible, orange fruit are the size of a large olive. They are slow growing and must remain on the tree for months to ripen.

What is a Kumquat.


This vegetable gets its name from their pink and white exterior. It's size ranges from the size of a golf ball to the size of a soft ball. It is a relative of the Daikon Radish, originating in China. It has fibre and Vitamin C.

What is Water Melon Radish.


These plants receive star attention when grown in a bright sunroom. 

Guavas contain 4 times more fiber than a pineapple and 4 times more vitamin C than an orange. Guavas are known for their seedy flesh. In the center of a guava there are between 100-500 edible seeds. Guavas grow on 20 foot high evergreen shrubs, with white flowers

What is Guava.


This spice is twice as hot as Tabasco Pepper. They as small long red with green stems. They have more vitamin C than an orange as well as several other vitamins.

What is Thai Dragon Pepper.


This fruit resembles Canada's most common fruit. It has a fruit flavour of Mango, Apricot and flowers. It tastes like lemon Yoghurt and is dry and crunchy.

What is Mamey Apple.


This small Citrus Fruit is orange in Colour and originated in China. It was introduced to the U.S. in the year 1900. The tree will survive in 20 degrees Farenheit and is a good patio plant.

What is a Calamondin.


This vegetable is a cross between a Brussel Sprout and Kale. It originated in the United Kingdom. vegetable, that looks a little like a ball of small leafy greens.

What is a Kalettes Collection.


This sweet and scaly fruit is a little weird looking. It is native to Mexico, Central and South America. It is pink on the outside and with white flesh with small black seeds on the inside.

What is Dragon Fruit.


This green Vegetable looks like a small water melon, that has a tangy taste, a mix of sweet and sour.

Also known as a mouse melon, the Mexican sour gherkin, or by its Spanish name, sandiita (little watermelon), a cucamelon is the fruit of the Melothria scabra vine and is about the size of a grape. But despite the name, they're not actually a hybrid of watermelons and cucumbers.

What is a Mexican Sour Gherkin.


This fruit is red and resembles a Bulls Heart. It tastes like Yoghurt.

What is Bulls Heart.


This fruit has rough brown skin and is shaped a bit like an onion. Its inside is white. The fruit is grown in Java, Sumatra and other regions of Indonesia. If you eat this fruit once per week it helps with heart health, blood sugar and improves brain memory. It is rich in protein, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Fiber, Iron & Calcium. It tastes like a bitter pineapple or Jack Fruit and when ripe is dry and crunchy.

What is snake fruit.


This plant is also called a Beefstake plant. It has red frilled leaves that grow as a bush. It is a refreshing herb.

Perilla is used for treating asthma. It is also used for nausea, sunstroke, inducing sweating, and to reduce muscle spasms. It has an anise like flavour with Cinnamon & Mint. It grows in Asia.

What is a Red Perilla.


This fruit is orange on the outside. It is shaped like a large pear, and has lots of black seeds on the inside.

What is Papaya.


This spice from South Asia has many scientifically-proven health benefits, such as the potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. It resembles ginger root. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.

What is Tumeric.


This small white pod holding many seeds is a type of spice used in Indian cooking. It is related to ginger.

What is Cardomon.