What is the minimum expectation for assignments?
No talking.
Top two common room expectations
Ask to get up, no unspotted conversations
If you see trash in transition, are you allowed to pick it up?
Only on break and have your conversation spotted.
How many minutes do you have for morning hygiene?
5 minutes.
What belongs on your windowsill?
What are movie norms? (At least 3)
No talking, no crossing boundaries, no blankets in the common, no unnecessary comments, no other activities going on
What is gossiping?
Talking about ANYONE when they are not present
Who is allowed to help with your schoolwork? (3 answers)
Teachers, Staff, Student mentors
How many minutes do you have to shower?
10 minutes in the water for non-statuses,
15 minutes for ML's
The two most common contraband items found in room checks.
Markers and Water Bottles
When we're in group, what do we not do?
Use the bathroom, have side conversations, use distracting coping skills
Can we have more than one pair of shoes in our rooms?
Only one pair of Mingus slides is allowed in our rooms other than the shoes we are wearing
When are the breaks?
10:30, 1:00, 2:00
What can be flushed down the toilet?
poopoo peepee tp
Who can check off your bed?
Staff and ML's
What is BLT
Borrow, lend, trade, giving, getting
Name all the case managers
Lupita, Kara, Rochelle, Nicole, Amanda, Michael
Name all of the Teachers (5 of 'em)
Mr. Ryan, Mr. Shawn, Mr. Joseph, Ms. Mindy, Ms. Katrina
The extra requirements for using the restroom while on levels, (3 things).
Shake out everything including socks, hygiene in med cups, counting while in the stalls,
When is shutdown and what is the expectation?
8:00, be in bed trying to HAuGh mewmewmewmewmew
How many people to a cube?
What are the three help steps?
See, offer, talk