Class Rules
Big 5
Ms. Kinny's Room
M.S. Expectations

For rule #4, Be Prepared, you are instructed to bring pencils, tablet, notebook, etc. What 1 other thing that is needed to be prepared.

Have an open mind or Bring your water bottle


When a student has broken one of the Big 5 rules, what actions is taken by the teacher? (or What happens to the student?)

The receive an immediate consequence. 

Detention, most likely, or in at break. 


1. Where do you find cleaning supplies?

2. Also, how do you know what to bring to class?

(You can tell or show me the answer)

1. Cupboard

2. Signs on wall


When you come back from being absent, where will you find your work?

Front of the room


Who is your favorite teacher?

(Just joking, we won't have you answer that :)

Real Question: Where is the first aid kit?

Back cupboard


Under "Consequences", what are the 3 steps taken by the teacher? 

(For example, Fred is blurting in class, what step does the teacher take first?)

1. Warning

2. Moved

3. Consequence and parent contact


Big 5 rule number 1 is "disrespect shown to..." who?

(Two answers needed)

Staff or a student 

(must list both for points)


1. What is one thing Ms. Kinny did this summer?

2. You know you need to be quiet when Ms. Kinny does what?

1. Walks/Camden, Spent time with family/Camp/jail thing, Nelson's/ice cream shop

2. Rings the bell - or other answer decided by 78 grade.


If you finish work early and turn in your assignment, what two things should you do first?

Homework for other classes or read


Can you name my brothers?

(I was running out of questions)

Josh and Jacob 


With rule #3, Raising Your Hand, you are instructed to raise your hand before you speak and before you leave your seat. What is the third instruction given?

Wait to be called on


Big 5 rule number 2 has to do with plagiarizing, what are the two things listed under this rule?

(cannot list plagiarizing)

Lying and Cheating

(Must list these two)


1. How much homework should you have?

10 min/grade


For a Violent Critical Incent Drill, what are the first 3 things you should do?

Stop, Look, Listen


What 3 things must you include at the top of all assignments?

(This does not include Lesson number or pages)

Name, number, date


Under Rule #1, Respect, list 5 out of the 7 things/people you need to respect.

1. God, 2. Teacher, 3. Subs, 4. Peers, 5. Yourself, 6. School property, 7. Your materials


Under rule number 5, inappropriate actions or oral/written language, what are three examples that are given?

1. Obscene gestures, 2. Signs, 3. Pictures, 4. Swearing, 5. Racial slurs


When can you use the bathroom and fill up water bottles?

First 5 min & last 10 min of class, plus work time

(Must list all 3)


When leaving a classroom to go to a new class, what 3 things must you do before leaving the class?

Clean up the area, wait at the desk, be dismissed

What was the other name of the Hummingbird Moth?

Sphinx Moth


What are the 5 instructions given under rule #2 Listening?

1. Eyes on Speaker, 2. Quiet, 3. Be still/hands free, 4. Listen, 5. Follow directions


What is rule number 3 and 4?

3. Rebellion (outright disobedience)

4. Fighting


Where does my room go for fire and tornado drills?

Fire - Outside by white garage 

Tornado - Stairwell by cafeteria 


What are 4 of True Light's values?

The authority of God's Word, 2. A loving environment, 3. Excellence, 4. The uniqueness of each person, 5. Prayer, 6. Christ-like character


What are 3 things I promised to you as a teacher?

To care, to believe in you, to hold you accountable, God love you more, I'm not perfect