
Can you name and number each step of the line up countdown?

5- Level 0, stop what you‘re doing

4- Stand up, push in chair

3- Line up in line order

2- Buckle and bubble

1- Facing forward


What level should our voices be at inside the kitchen area? (Hint: the place where you are grabbing your food, not eating)

Level 0 unless an ADULT speak to you first OR if you’re ordering your food.


What level of voice should we have at all times in the restroom?

Level 0


One whistle means? Two whistles means?

Freeze then line up


What are two ways to get Ms. Dyer’s attention without interrupting?

1. Raising our hand.

2. Using the hand signals.


What level should our voices be on the entire time in the hallway?

Level 0.


Who is in charge at lunch if Ms Dyer isn’t there?

Whoever the teacher/adult is in the room.


When you need to use the restroom during class, when is the best time to go?

candy point: how many time can you go on your own before you owe recess minutes?




Before being dismissed to the play ground, where do we stand on line on a level 0?

Four square line


What does SLANT stand for?

Sitting up, listening, asking/answering questions, nodding our heads, tracking the speaker


Have one team member demonstrate how we SHOULDN’T move in the hallways.

Now demonstrate how we SHOULD. 

shouldn’t be: swinging our arms, skipping, touching the wall, dancing, running, speed walking, slow walking, etc.

should be: walking at a normal pace, buckling our arms, facing forward


What might “using your manners” sound like?

Candy points: What might it LOOK like?

Sounds like: please, thank you, yes ma’am, excuse me, etc.

Looks like: chewing with your mouth closed, not talking while eating, not playing with your food, cleaning up after yourself


List 3 things we SHOULDN’T do in the restroom?

Examples: goofing around, talking, running, standing on stalls, bothering other classmates, playing, hurting others, etc.


How should we NOT use the swings?

Candy points: explain how we shouldn’t go on the slide AND how we shouldn’t use the monkey bars.

Swings: no twisting, bumping into neighbors, jumping off, standing on them, etc.

Slides: no going hands first, on belly, going upwards, jumping off, etc.

Monkey bars: no getting on top of them, flipping/jumping off them, etc. 


When Ms. Dyer tells you to do something, what are three ways to respond?

Candy point: If you are sent to the safe seat, this means:

A) You are in trouble and Miss Dyer is mad at you.

B) You are going to a new seat to talk with Ms Dyer and work on how we can be better in class.

1. Yes Ma’am

2. Okay

3. Just do it.

Candy point: B


When the line stops in the hallway, where should our feet land?

Candy point: What should you do if you do not have an arrow to stand on?

On an arrow!

candy point: you should step out of line and look at the person BEHIND you and point to their feet. It is not necessary to yell at them or tell them to move.


What are you supposed to grab in the kitchen?

A milk, juice or fruit, and choose the main course.


How can we show responsibility in the restroom?

follow the expectations, wash your hands, use only two paper towels, make sure the bathroom is clean when you leave.


If you cannot follow recess expectations or be kind, what are the consequences?

Sit out for 5 mins unless it is a major behavior.


What are Miss Dyer’s classroom rules?

Hint: they might be somewhere around the room

Look above Ms Dyer’s desk :)