
Name one way you can demonstrate respect to your peers in Mrs. G's class. 

Various Answers... Remember that bullying will NEVER be tolerated. 


Can you submit work after the due date? 

Yes, as long as it's before the final date to submit all missing work at the end of the quarter. Students should still aim to submit all assignments on time. 


You get 45 participation points per quarter. What are some things that will drop that score?

Not completing class work when Mrs. G provides time to work, disrupting others, behavior issues, lack of submitting assignments, spending too much time in the bathroom, skipping, tardiness, etc. 


If you're seen on your phone, Mrs. G will give ONE warning. After the warning, what is the consequence? 

Putting your phone into the pouch and having parent contact/losing participation points. 


If a peer is sharing aloud in class, what should you do? 

Remain silent and be respectful of their response!


If you're absent, what should you do? 

1. Check Schoology. 

2. Submit work ASAP. 

3. Fill out the absent sheet or talk to Mrs. G.

It's YOUR responsibility to catch up!


If you have something to add to a class discussion, what should you do? 

Raise your hand and wait respectfully until Mrs. G calls on you. 


What is the consequence for skipping?

Immediate detention for the first two offenses and parent contact. After that, students will be given ISS and larger referrals. The higher the referral, the closer to being removed from MHS.


If there's someone you don't get along with in class, what can/should you do?

Tell Mrs. G that you need to be separated from them and keep away from them. 


When you enter the room, what is the first thing you should do? 

Put your phone away and check the board for items you'll need to get out for class. Then, do the bellringer. 


If you need to use the restroom during class, what is the process?

1. Fill out E-Hall Pass

2. Ask Mrs. G

3. Start E-Hall Pass and go (no longer than 10 minutes)

4. End the pass when you return.


After three tardies, what is the consequence?

After-school detention and parent contact.


What areas of the room are off-limits for students? 

Mrs. G's desk, the closet, the library (ask before you check out a book)


If you submit work AFTER the due date, when can you expect it to be graded? 

When Mrs. G has time! There is no guarantee that Mrs. G will grade quickly if you submit work AFTER the deadline. 


Habits of Work is twice per quarter and counts as what percentage of your grade?



If you take longer than 10 minutes in the bathroom or fail to fill out an E-Hall pass, what will happen? 

Mrs. G will write a referral for skipping after-school detention. You MUST fill out E-Hall Pass to track the time you were out or it will be counted as skipping. You can use the class iPad if needed. 


When Mrs. G is teaching, list three things you should do to show that you're ACTIVELY listening. 

1. Keep technology AWAY. 

2. Refrain from disrupting your peers. 

3. Participate in discussions or listen to your peers when they share. Take notes. 


How often should you check your grades and email/messages? 

Weekly AT LEAST, but Mrs. G would say every other day!


When is it acceptable to have your phone out in class?

When Mrs. G has given specific permission to use your phone outside of instructional time. NEVER during class unless permission has been given. 


Bullying or disrespect to the teacher will result in...

Parent contact and referral with after-school detention. Depending on the severity of the situation, admin may be involved.