If you want help or to make a comment what should you do
raise your hand
how to act during stretches
quiet, follow ms Candance instructions, stay in assigned square
talking at the table
yes, quiet voices, appropriate topics
I have a bad transition from recess/pe
I miss out on pe/recess the next day
Someone is bothering you, making faces, or gestures in class
ignore, tell a teacher
you don't like the pe game we are playing
participate as much as you can, ask for a break if feeling upset
true or false, it is okay to pour your milk or juice onto your lunch
I get two red slips, two pinks, or a pink/red
drop a level
The work is too hard
someone bumps into you during a game of soccer
keep playing the game, take a break, tell a staff if the person continues to push you
boundaries at the lunch table
keep hands to self, do not touch other people's food
give space to person in front
verbally assault a staff, physically assault a staff
policy, tor, out of classroom the rest of the day
a teacher redirects you to try again or stop yelling out
try again, stop yelling out, ask for a cool out (if necessary)
ms Candance or a staff redirects you
listen, follow directions
if you don't like the lunch
put in share box, bring back to class to share with classmates
how should I be facing
awol off campus
detention, policy, in-house,
When to ask for a break/cool-out
when you feel like you have a lot of energy, feel like you might make a bad choice
you have a bad transition back to class from the PE area
no PE the next day
when do I get to check the sharebox
after I have finished all my food
a staff redirects me to try again
try again
refuse to do work
lose points, lose recess, stay after school and make up that time