Which room (number) is the BEST room?
500, DUHHHHH :)
True or False: I can sit in any color zone I would like.
True or False: I should be out of my seat chatting with friends.
Do we jump and touch door frames or signs/clocks?
What happens if your pencil breaks?
Sharpen it if I'm not teaching.
What do I do before getting up?
Raise hand
True or False: I will follow all expectations.
What should hallway behavior look like?
WALKING, keeping hands to self
You will be treated ____________ in this classroom.
What happens if I horseplay or mess around at lunch?
Minimum: Lunch Detentions
Maximum: Suspensions (ISS/OSS)
What should you do after you enter the building?
Go straight to your classroom (or get breakfast if needed)! Do NOT visit other pods.
What happens if you don't follow expectations?
Tracker mark, lunch detention, detention, ISS/OSS
-What do you do when done with your work?
-Where do you turn work in?
-You can complete any missing work, catch up on reading, free draw, free write, or use prodigy.
- Your hour's turn in bins
What is the order of the lunch color zones?
Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Purple, Orange
Explain the arrival procedures
- Eat Breakfast (get BEFORE coming to the room)
-Throw trash away and get all belongings ready for the day.
- Go potty if needed
Who are the 3 principals?
Dr. Bradley, Dr. Donnelly, Mrs. Grimm
What are Mrs. Hottelman's TOP 3 Expectations?
1. Be respectful to me! (Do not yell at me)
2. Try, even if it's hard
3. Talk when you can talk, work when you're supposed to work.
How do we earn open seating?
Following all lunchroom expectations.
Explain the dismissal procedures.
-Pack up before encore
-Stack your chair
-Help clean up the floors
Sit QUIETLY until we leave
True or False: I will respect Mrs. Hottelman and her belongings.