Turning in work
What work?
White boards
The door

Picks up the folders at the beginning of the class and puts the folders away at the end of the class.

What is the job that the person in the "diamond" seat has to do every class period?


Where do I turn in my work?

Open the cupboard, find your class' basket, check that you wrote your first and last name date, and class period, and turn in the work to the basket.


What is an Interactive Notebook?

It is a notebook that works as a study guide. When you review the work more often, you will remember it better. 


What is SLANT?

Sit Up, Listen Actively, Ask and Answer Questions, Nod your Head, Track the Speaker.


Raise hand, ask for permission, wait for escort, sign out.

What is the process for leaving to use the restroom?


Weekly warm up and any assignment that was started during the class but not finished by the end of the class period. 

What do you keep in the table group folder?


When is homework due?



What type of assignments will I have every week?

Daily warm ups, work in the interactive notebook, computer work, worksheets, weekly homework assignment.


What do I take notes on?

Everything that is written on the board. Anything important that Ms. Ludwig might say. If Ms. Ludwig says "write this down". 

If Ms. Ludwig says "you don't have to write this down" - you don't have to write it down.


Can I use my cellphone to do this?



Notebook, pencil, charged computer (chromebook charger)

What you should bring to class every day.


When are warm ups due?



What do I do with my notebook?

Keep it in your backpack, and bring it to class every day. I do not keep your notebooks in the classroom unless they are being graded. 


What is an EQ and SC?

EQ stands for "Essential Question" - by the end of the lesson you will be able to answer the question. There will be an EQA box to answer and reflect on your learning.

SC stands for "Success Criteria" - by the end of the lesson you will be able to know that you have learned because the SC will be true. 


Enter the classroom quickly and quietly. Go straight to your desk and take out your warm up, pencil, and notebooks.

What do you do when you enter the classroom?


What should you do with your things?

Your phone should be off and in your backpack. Your notebook, pencil, and computer can be on your desk, but everything else should go on the floor.


I'm missing work. What should I do?

Check Aeries to find out the title of the missing assignment. Make time OUTSIDE of class time to pick up new copies of the missing work. 


Who grades the interactive notebook?

YOU! You will be grading your notebook, because the notebook is YOUR resource for all things in this math class. 


Can I just leave my phone face down on my desk?



All warm ups will be posted in Google Classroom. 

What do I do when I missed the warm up?


What should you do with other people's things?

Leave them alone.


I need extra time on my work? 

If a student anticipates difficulty in meeting a deadline, they should communicate with the teacher before the due date. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis for valid reasons, such as illness or family emergencies.


Will I need a textbook?

There are copies of the textbook that can be made available to you, but you will not need to take it home. The textbook is posted online and you can use your Chromebook to access it. 


I missed a day of class, what should I do about the missing notes in my notebook?

Talk with a friend or someone else in the class. Ask them to take pictures of their notes at lunch, brunch, or after school. Get your notebook up to date as soon as possible. 


Why is it important to not be late to class?

You will miss the warm up, which will need to made up on your own time.