What should our voice level be?
Level 0 or 1
How many students should sit at each section of the lunch table?
Three in each section.
When is the best time to use the restroom?
Independent work time or during breaks
What level voice should we use during independent work time?
0 or 1
What is the first thing you should do when you arrive in the morning?
Unpack your bag
What should our line look like?
Single file
Once you've checked out with Ms. Vic, what should you do?
Go sit in the next available spot.
What signal should you use if it is an emergency and Mrs. Starr is teaching?
The sign language "t"
If you have something to say or you want to answer a question, what do you do?
Raise your hand.
How do you make your lunch choice?
Put the stick with your name in the appropriate bucket.
What side of the hallway should we be walking?
The right side
What voice level should be used during lunch?
1 or 2
How many boys or girls can sign out for the bathroom at one time?
What should you do when it's time to line up?
Quietly push in your chair and line up.
What three things do you need to do in the classroom after you've unpacked?
Get Chromebook, make lunch choice, sharpen pencils
How should Chromebooks be carried in the hallway?
Hold onto it with BOTH hands (hug it)
What should we say to the adults helping us in the lunchroom?
Please and thank you!
What is the sign-out/sign-in procedure when you use the restroom?
Numbered magnet gets moved on the white board and take the bathroom lanyard to hang up. When return, move the magnet back and return the lanyard.
What is one of Mrs. Starr's biggest pet peeves?
What time do you need to be in your seat?
You see a friend walking in the hallway with his/her class. What should you do?
Wave or smile
Your friend wants to trade food with you. What should you do?
Don't do it. Sharing is not allowed because of germs and allergies.
How many students can be in one specific bathroom at the same time?
Finish this line: The greatest power is the power to.....
If you want breakfast, what do you do?
Go immediately after you've completed your morning jobs. Do not wait for others. Make sure you're back before 7:55.