Form of communication we use everyday
What time are you supposed to grab the phone by and who do you notify that you picked up the bag?
5:00 PM
Resident Director
Where can you find your Doc Bryan Hours?
Two weekly required forms that are expected of you as a BM
Building walkthrough and weekly report
This person is double jointed in their shoulders
What are the steps for time away notifications?
Email direct supervisor and AD
Provide an action plan to cover your responsibilities
What is required BEFORE you turn in the duty bag?
On-call form
How many hours are you required to work?
What form is needed when there are things left behind in a room and how do you store it?
Abandoned property
Wilson Storage
Room number and number of boxes 1 out of 3 ect.
This persons sister convinced them to break their thumb
What is the GPA requirement for a student staff position, semester and cumulative?
Semester - 2.0
Cumulative - 2.5
T/F: you are required to go to every single call you receive
This form is needed for when you are checking rooms that I or Jessica give you
Room Readiness
What form is needed when checking rooms from the key drawer?
Post Check-out Form
What is my favorite movie?
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron
What is 1 of the 10 expectations for all student staff?
Exemplary Behavior
Community Engagement
Supportive Environment
Academic Support
Effective Communication
Leadership Development
Is texting the RD on duty allowed?
Correct protocol for exterior door checks from start to finish
Get out and actually put your hands on the doors.
What form on Roompact can the RA fill out for a resident to ensure they have a WO put in?
Resident Maintenance Referral Form
This person played the flute for 6 years
What is the mission statement for Residence Life?
Provide a clean, well-maintained, safe, and inclusive living learning environment that is conducive to study and the personal development of all residents. Activities and services designed to develop community while encouraging academic and social success.
Can you forward the on call phone to your personal phone?
What are some of the tasks you are required to do during Doc Bryan Hours?
Room Checks
Follow up on WO
Name all of the forms (9) you are supposed to check/fill out as a BM?
Weekly report
Building Walkthrough
Resident Maintenance Referral
Room readiness
Post check-out
Community Bathrooms
Abandoned Property
Exterior Doors
On call
This person won a national award for photography