What is our room number?
What are the "YADA Noise Levels?"
Appropriate levels allowed when working in class.
0 = Independent work (no noise)
1 = Partner work (whisper)
2 = Group work (low voice)
3 = Regular classroom discussion (normal voice)
4 and 5 = Too loud/out of control
What happens if I'm late to class? (What is the SMS tardy policy?)
Violation 1: Warning
Violation 2: Silent lunch
Violation 3: Silent lunch
Violation 4: ISS lunch 3 days
Violation 5: Half day ISS
Violation 6: ISS
When can I go to the restroom (4 answers)?
1- WIN
2- Core 2
3- Class change
4- Emergencies
What is the late/absent work policy?
Can anyone remember everything before I refresh your memory?
Where are the classroom rules located?
On the conference room window.
What is "N.O.I.S.E.?"
A system used to earn Free Seat Friday.
What are the consequences for cell phone use at SMS?
Violation 1: Warning
Violation 2: Silent lunch (taken and picked up at front office)
Violation 3: Silent lunch
Violation 4: ISS lunch 3 days
Violation 5: Half day ISS
Violation 6: ISS
When can I get water (three answers)?
1- Class change
2- Restroom breaks
3- Bring a water bottle to class
Who do I ask for help in class (two answers)?
1- Three buddies before me (Ms. Stoffa).
2- Ms. Stoffa if you all can't figure it out on your own.
What are the taped numbers on my desk for?
Assigning classroom materials.
Can I have my phone out in class?
No. Only before/after school hours or at lunch.
What happens if I don't turn in my homework (two answers)?
1- Complete it during silent lunch.
2- Grade stays a zero in the grade book until completed.
(I do reward those who do turn it in on time.)
Can I eat in this classroom?
Only with Ms. Stoffa's permission.
How do I get Ms. Stoffa's attention in class?
Raise my hand and wait quietly.
Where is the supplies list for Language Arts located (two answers)?
The syllabus and on our class website.
When can I sharpen my pencil (two answers)?
As soon as I enter the room (before the tardy bell) or in class if I have asked for permission.
What is Chill Out?
Located in the ISS room. You will stay there for the period and complete any work done in class.
2 Chill Outs in one day = 1 day ISS
3 Chill Outs in a week = 1 day ISS
How are we excused at the end of class?
Ms. Stoffa will dismiss you when everyone is sitting quietly and the room is clean.
What are Ms. Stoffa's "no exceptions" rules (four answers)?
1- Listen to all instructions
2- Listen while someone is talking
3- Put my name, date, and Core# on all work
4- Raise my hand before speaking
Where do I turn in my work?
When and how do I get materials for class activities (two answers)?
Directions will be posted on the board or I will tell you directly.
What happens if I am out of dress code?
1- Warning and sent to Chill Out to change
2- Silent lunch
3- 1 day ISS
4- ISS
How do we enter the classroom?
Lineup outside the door quietly and in a straight line.