Voice level expected in the hallway.
The area in which you are for snack.
outside only
This is how we line up.
quietly when you are dismissed by table, hand to ourselves
when should you get out of your seat?
NEVER! unless you have signaled or asked to use the restroom, water, nurse and received permission.
how should you treat to others in this class
kindly and respectfully
The three common expectations for everywhere in school.
responsible, be respectful, and be safe
Voice level for independent work.
The place for finished work.
in your folders
This is how I enter library, music, PE, or art.
What is voice level zero?
How can you treat your group members with kindness and respect ?
Using kind words, helping them do something,
This is how you show respect to your fellow classmates while walking in the hallway or in class
keep your hands and feet to yourself
when working in groups or helping others at your table, what should you do?
how do you enter the classroom
quietly and have a seat in your assigned seat.
Quietly clean up your area and have supplies collect your things for you, don't not leave your seat. you may read silently at this time. When I call your table to line up, stack your chairs and lineup quietly
how should we play during break time
fairly and safely, making sure to include others that would like to play. we still must follow the rules.
This is what you do when moving through the hallway.
quietly walk in a line
when you have something to say or ask, what do you do?
raise your hand
when transitioning to another activity, what should you do?
silently clear your desks, stay seated and wait for instruction from Ms.P
The way in which you put your belongings in the class
placing them in your cubbies or folders in folder section
What happens if you get into trouble?
A teacher will talk to you, parent phone call home, lunch detention, or office referral
The intended use of your Chromebook.
school use, iready or IXL
what are the attention getters I use in class
voices off in 3,2,1
or sometimes "Pokémon" "GO"
who is in charge of grabbing supplies ?
designated supplies person ONLY!!
when working independently such as during a assessment or assignment, what should you do?
remain seated and work quietly on your own papers, this is not the time to collaborate with others.
what do you do if you need a supply (like a pencil) or need to use the restroom, while Ms. P is in the middle of a lesson? what if you need help?
stay seated and raise your hand or signal what you need, once permission is granted you may go.
if you need help raise your hand!!