Voice level expected in the hallway.
This is what I do if I need to sharpen a pencil
what is wait for a time when no one is talking, then quietly sharpen?
This is how we line up.
quietly when you are dismissed by table, do not cut in front of others.
What do I do while waiting to enter specials classroom?
Wait quietly in line.
how should you treat to others in this class
kindly and respectfully
The three common expectations for everywhere in school.
responsible, be respectful, and be safe (build relationships)
Voice level for working with a partner in class.
what is one
This is what I do after the morning bell rings.
what is be in my seat working on morning activities and quietly wait for announcements?
This is how I enter library, music, PE, or art.
What is voice level zero?
What do I do if someone says hello to me.
Say hello back
This is how you show respect to your fellow classmates while walking in the hallway or in class
keep your hands and feet to yourself
when working in groups or helping others at your table, what should you do?
keep your voices down (level one, or two) and stay on task!
how do you enter the classroom
quietly and have a seat in your assigned seat.
what is the end of day routine?
Quietly clean up your area and have supplies collect your things for you, wait quietly to be called to get backpack.
What do I do if I need to use the restroom.
Make sure that Mr. Voth is not giving instructions and that we aren't in the middle a lesson. If the cup is available, place it on your desk and go straight to the restroom and back.
This is what you do when moving through the hallway.
quietly walk in a line
when you have something to say or ask, what do you do?
raise your hand
when transitioning to another activity, what should you do?
get supplies and be ready to listen for instructions from Mr. Voth
What happens if you get into trouble?
A teacher will talk to you, parent phone call home, lunch detention, or office referral
The intended use of your Chromebook.
school use, iready or IXL
what do I do if I hear shh, shh ... sh sh sh?
stop what I'm doing and be ready to listen
What do I do when I walk into class in the morning.
So hello to people, walk to my seat and read the screen for instructions.