Classroom 2

What should we sound like in the hallway?

Silent! Voices off.

What do you do when you hear the chime?

Sit down and turn your voice off.


What do you do if you need a pencil?

Hold up two fingers.


What do we do at the crosswalk?

Stop and wait to make sure an adult says it is safe.


Where should we put work when we are NOT done with it?

Unfinished work folder.


What do you do if you need to use the bathroom?

Hold up one finger and sign out on the sheet!


How do you get your food if you are buying lunch?

Walk to line, wait patiently in line, say please and thank you!


Mrs. Sticca is working with a group during DI, but you have a question. Name 2 things you can do.

Ask 3 friends, do something else from my DI checklist, write the question down so I don't forget, look around to see what others are doing. 


What do we do when the whistle blows?

Stop what we are doing and quickly and safely line up by the recess teachers. Wait patiently to go inside for lunch.

When should we ask to go to the nurse?

When we've had a headache or a stomach ache for a long time, when we feel like we might throw up, when we get hurt and need an ice pack right away.


Name 3 times in the day that would be best to use the bathroom.

Snack, quiet time, DI, on the way to essentials, lunch/recess, arrival, dismissal.


What do you do if someone makes a rude comment about your food?

Use an I message - "I don't like that you said that", ignore them, enjoy your food! Tell a teacher if it continues.


The timer went off! Name 3 steps that you ALWAYS do when the timer goes off.

Stop, look, and listen.

What is one way to show self control at recess?

Mrs. Sticca will tell you if your answer is okay.


What do we do when we are finished with a book from our class library?

Put it back WHERE IT BELONGS, not in a random spot.


Someone is trying to talk to you in line! What is an appropriate response?

Give a quiet stop sign, kindly ask them to stop, tell a teacher if it continues.


What 4 things should you make sure you always do in the cafeteria?

Pick up your trash, say thank you, let people sit with you, stay seated, eat your food safely, be kind to others, listen to teachers.


What are 4 things you could do if you're unsure what to do next?

Ask a friend, look around, look at our schedule, check the board, ask Mrs. Sticca if NONE of that helps!

Name 4 ways to show empathy at recess

Mrs. Sticca will decide if your answer is okay.


What are the 4 steps to getting set up for an anchor task?

Find partners, find whiteboard, get materials, plan task.

Someone is making a mess in the bathroom (throwing their paper towels on the floor and spilling soap everywhere). Then, they ask you to climb the stalls with them! What do you do?

Tell them no, and tell a teacher as soon as you get back to class. Do NOT pick up after them - you're in the bathroom, that's gross.

Sally asks if she can sit at your table. Molly says no, even though there is an open seat! What do you do?

Tell Molly that isn't kind and tell Sally she can sit there. 


People are talking when Mrs. Sticca is trying to teach. What do you do?

Give a quiet stop sign or signal, ask them to stop, or ignore.


You are really excited to go on the swings, but there is only one left open, and your friend wants to swing too. Tell us 3 things you could do to solve this problem. 

Take turns, rock paper scissors, choose something else, offer to go tomorrow if they go today, etc.