Morning Routine
Walking Somewhere
Recess and Lunch
Classroow Expectations

Where does your Chromebook go at the end of every day? 

Chromebook Cart


True or False: When I come into class, it’s time to stop at my friend’s desk and talk about our favorite video game. 

False- you take your seat and begin following any directions on the TV or board 


True or False: it is impossible to line up in line order quietly in under 20 seconds. 

False- it is possible! I’ve seen it done before! 


I brought skittles and sprite for my recess snack. Is there anything wrong with this? 

Candy and soda are not nutritional snacks and cannot be eaten at recess or lunch. 


What are the ways I can be rewarded for following classroom expectations and being a good example for my classmates?

Dojo points, raffle tickets, RRAH Rewards, table points, marbles


What websites should I be on during iReady MyPath? (Even when my teacher is reading with other students!) 

iReady MyPath

What should you do if you come in late in the morning and see everyone else is doing vocabulary? 

Give me your tardy slip and ask your seat partner what you should be doing. 


Describe what the teacher should see in each line when we line up outside? 

Quiet students in their correct spots, facing forward

The recess bell just rang but Ms. Pendrick is still talking. What do I do? 

Wait patiently. Ms. Pendrick knows that it’s recess. She just needs to finish something important!

Someone is talking but I have something I really want to say like RIGHT NOW!

I control my body and my voice, and I raise my hand instead. 


Who makes sure each Chromebook is put away and plugged in correctly at the end of each day? 

Tech Support 


When you come into the classroom, what should you get from your backpack? 

Any materials you will need for the day (Water, planner, homework, notebooks, pencil pouch) 


I stand in the front of the line and my friend stands in the back of the line. I think I’m going to go find her as soon as the line starts moving.

What’s wrong with this situation?

Stay in line order at all times


Where do I eat my snack at recess? 



I have to go to the bathroom but we just started math notes. I think I can hold it. When would be a good time to ask to go instead? 

Right after the notes or during independent practice time. (not when I’m giving directions!) 


True or False: I can leave my Chromebook on my desk if I’m running late packing up

False- Chromebooks get put away at the end of each day! 
What is the appropriate noise level when entering the classroom? 

Noise level 0 (silent) or 1 (partner talk) 


How should we walk back from lunch? 

Quietly, one straight line, facing forward, hands to ourselves

You’re eating lunch and suddenly your friend thinks it would be funny to throw his French fries at you. It makes you mad. What do you do? 

Answers may vary


A student has not been following a classroom expectation of listening to the speaker. They continued to talk out while the teacher is giving directions. The teacher gives the student a warning, but the student continues to talk. What is the consequence for the students action?

Student will lose dojo points and possibly lose the opportunity to participate in the activity 


Act it out! What should it look like when my teacher asks our table to get our Chromebooks? 

Quietly get up, walk to cart, stand in line quietly, take your Chromebook, sit back down for directions 


I see that I have a new seat next to a student I’m not friends with. I’m not happy about this so I say “Ughhhhh I hate this seat” loud enough so they can hear it. 

What’s wrong with this situation? 

answers will vary


What do I do? 

I’m walking in line but my friend runs up to me and jumps on my back. I know this is not what he is supposed to be doing. We both get in trouble for not following expectations. What do I do? 

Answers may vary


Act it out! The bell just rang but my friend just shot a basket.. uh oh! What do I do? 

Answers will vary


Can you name all of the classroom expectations and act two of them out? 

Answers may vary!