Can you enter the classroom if the teacher is not at the door?
How do you enter the classroom?
Stop at the door, make eye contact, wait for the teacher to tell you good morning or good afternoon, reply appropriately.
What is our morning work called?
Morning Scribble
What should it look and sound like while we are walking in the hallway?
Facing forward, one person in front of the other, voice level zero.
Should you ever go into the class if the teacher is not in the room?
How do you exit the classroom?
Line up in a single file line and wait for the teacher to be at/open the door. The teacher will always tell you goodbye as you leave the classroom.
What should you do if you have a question?
Raise your hand and wait patiently. You are not following the teacher around the classroom OR yelling out to them.
What are the expectations for library?
Sit quietly while the librarian is talking.
Find your books quickly without talking.
Once you have checked out, sit in your seat and read.
What happens if you forgot your library book and cannot check out when we go?
What are the 3 Laws of Mrs. Pumphrey's class?
1. Don't lie
2. Don't steal
3. No bullying
When is it okay to get out of your seat without permission?
When you need a tissue
To turn papers in during work time
Sharpen a pencil during work time
What should it look and sound like when we are lining up?
One person in front of another
straight line
voice level zero
When you are finished with your work, what should you do without being told?
Read a book
When should you be on your Chromebook?
ONLY when the teacher has given directions to be on your Chromebook.
How many warning do you get to be in the right place on your Chromebook?
ZERO warnings. Be where you are supposed to be or you will have your Chromebook taken away and receive a zero for the assignment.
When can you use the restroom?
You should use your passing time to use the restroom. That is what this time is for.
You can also never leave while the teacher is teaching
Where should you keep your water bottles & when should you fill them up?
Water bottles should be kept on the floor and filled up during your passing time.
What are the two call and responses we use in this classroom?
I say "Buffalo" you take everything out of your hands, lightly hit them on your desk, and reply "herd"
What are the different voice levels, what do they mean and when would we use them?
Voice level zero- no talking. We use this one while someone else is speaking and when we are working independently
Voice level one- whisper. We use this one when we are working with partners.
Voice level two- normal talking voice. We use this one when we are working with partners as well.
Voice level three- presenter voice. We use this one when we are giving a presentation or speaking to the entire class.
What are the rules for the teachers desk?
Pretend it is toxic lava!
You are never to go behind the desk without permission from the teacher, take anything off the desk, or even use the trash can behind the desk.
How should you move to the safe seat if you are asked to?
Grab all of your things, move there quietly, not argue, do not slam your things down.
Sit down and face the wall without talking to anyone else.
Continue to do your assignments
How should it look and sound if you are asked to go to a buddy room?
How do we act if there is an emergency situation? (tornado, fire, intruder, etc)
Stay calm
Stay quiet
Wait for the teacher to give directions before moving anywhere.
ALL the hallway expectations still apply (Walk silently, one in front of another, and facing forward)
What three things are you required to have for class every single day?
Having these three things are for a grade every quarter!
1. Reading book
2. Binder
3. CHARGED Chromebook
How do reading spots work in the classroom?
The teacher will pick students who are finished with their work and making good choices to pick a different spot in the classroom to sit and silent read their book.