Traits in Practice
Name one way to be safe in the classroom.
Keep hands to self, using walking feet, use school tools appropriately, use good body basics.

Name one way to be respectful to another student. 

(Answers will vary; can be: use kind words, take turns, etc.) 


Responsible students use an appropriate amount of what in the restroom?

(Answers may vary) Time, toilet paper, water, paper towels.


List two ways to be kind to a bus driver while on their bus. 

Answers will vary.


What is a way to be respectful in the bathroom to others?

(Answers will vary.)


Where should your hands be when walking down the hallway?

Hands should be by your side.


Name one way to show respect at outside recess.

(Answers will vary; can be: wait to take your turn on equipment, be a good sport, line up as soon as the whistle blows, etc.)


Describe how to walk down the hallway to recess. 

Hands by your sides, face the way you plan to walk, maintain personal space, single file, feet on the floor.


Practicing kindness can be as easy as doing what when you finish eating?

Clean up after yourself.


An Accountable student does what if they find money in the hallway?

Give it to an adult.


When in the lunchroom, you should raise your hand and stay where?

In your seat.


You have an important question for your teacher. Your teacher is helping another student. What could you do?

Raise your hand; wait until your teacher is done helping the other student; ask another adult in your room.


In our pledge, we act responsibly and always keep what?

Our cool.


Name two ways to show kindness on the playground.

Practice good sportsmanship, use polite words, share equipment, take turns, invite others to join in, etc


What do you do if you forget to bring back your book from the library?

Take responsibility and tell the librarian you will bring it back.


What should you do if a ball goes into the woods during outside recess?

Tell an adult


Name two ways to show respect in the hallway.

Stay in line with your class when walking, have a 0 voice, look straight ahead of you when walking, say "excuse me" if needed, etc.

Name two ways to show responsibility on the bus.
(Answers will vary; can be: sit in your assigned seat, sit in seat with feet on floor, sit quietly, enter and exit bus quickly, use walking feet when going to and from the bus.)

One way to be kind in the hallway, restroom, and playground is to maintain what?

Personal Space


What do you do if your teacher sends a note home and tells you to give it to your parents?

Take it home and immediately give it to your parents.


Name three ways to be safe during outside recess.

Stay within the teacher's sight at all times, keep hands and feet to self, wait for your turn on equipment, follow all rules of the game you are playing, etc.


You have a guest adult speaker in your classroom today. Describe what you would do in order to be respectful to this guest.

Listen quietly, raise your hand to ask or answer questions, thank the guest for coming, etc.


Name three ways to show responsibility in the classroom.

(Answers will vary; can be: complete work on time, stay in assigned area, clean up your mess, use school tools appropriately, raise your hand, etc.)


State the Golden Rule.

Treat others the way I would want to be treated.


What can be earned throughout the day for consistently following PAWS and Leadership Traits?

Bulldog Bites