Where can you find your student number?
What is our name tag?
Where should your phone remain at all times?
What is my schoolbag?
When should you not ask to leave the room?
What is when Ms. Wrazen is teaching?
What do you get if you clip up to super star?
1 PBIS point
Where is your homework bin and which bin is it?
Where is the student station and what is the 502 bin?
What happens the First time I see or hear a phone?
What is a demerit & phone taken until the end of the day
How many people can leave the room at a time?
What is one person?
If you have to sharpen your pencil, what should you do?
What is raise your hand?
How can you earn a class prize?
How do you mark yourself present?
What is moving our magnet?
What should your phone be on?
Where is the bathroom sign out sheet?
What should you always keep neat?
What is your desk?
What is the student station?
Who can you sign out books from the class library with?
Who is the class librarian?
Where can you find the approved morning tasks?
What is the smartboard?
On the second offense, who must pick up the phone?
Who are parents or guardians?
What are the three steps to leaving?
What is asking Ms. Wrazen?
What is the sign out sheet?
What is moving your magnet?
If you are caught misbehaving, what should you do?
What is Be HONEST about it?
What are the three things you should do when you hear the doorbell ring?
What is listening?
What is looking?
What are voices off?
List all jobs that will be done IN THE MORNING
Zoo Keeper
Materials Manager
Attendance Officer
What happens on the third cell phone offense?
what is Saturday detention, loss of privledges, and a parent confrence?
Name 5 times you should ask to leave the room
What is Voyager time?
What is lunch?
What is recess?
What is individual work?
What is dismissal?
What are emergencies?
What is Ms. Wrazen's golden rule?
What is be respectful?
What is don't talk while someone else is speaking?
What are the classroom closer's jobs?
What is stacking chairs?
What is turning off the lights?
What is closing the doors?
What are handing out wipes?